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Low-carb diets

carbs in fish and chips

7 replies

whitewitchofnarnia · 17/04/2014 08:29

I know I shouldn't have but whats done is done! So how many carbs in a kids portion of fish and chips from the chippy. Thanks!

OP posts:
MelanieCheeks · 17/04/2014 10:27

I'd rough guess 100. Are you aiming for ketosis low, or just generally low?

paperclip2 · 17/04/2014 10:25

approx. 80 carbs in an average portion of fish&chips according to my nutrition app.

Don't feel guilty, you deserve a treat once in a while.

whitewitchofnarnia · 17/04/2014 10:20

I knew it would be loads in my heart, the thing is it was so nice I am stuggling to feel even slightlt guilty!

OP posts:
WheresRyder · 17/04/2014 10:12

not very helpful but lots I should imagine, the chips and the white flour in the batter. Just move on and start the day afresh, you can't worry about what you've already eaten.

I have lost a lot of weight and have had many blip days, too many cocktails when out or eating fried food. I just made sure that unless it was a special occasion I stuck to plan for the rest of the time.

Beastofburden · 17/04/2014 10:11

Millions. You are doomed. Start again tomorrow.

Of after Easter and all the eggs. Grin

whitewitchofnarnia · 17/04/2014 10:10


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whitewitchofnarnia · 17/04/2014 09:14


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