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Low-carb diets

Diet coke

11 replies

littlepeas · 02/01/2014 10:30

I know it isn't very good for you, but would I be ok to drink it while otherwise following all the rules. I think if I can have diet coke, I will be able to cope with cutting everything else (sad - I know). It is something I definitely want to get rid of, but it is a bit of a crutch for me. I drink plenty of water too, and only drink tea/coffee occasionally - so no other caffeine really. I don't have a sweet tooth in general, so don't imagine it will send me into a sugar craving spiral??

OP posts:
littlepeas · 03/01/2014 18:19

I am neither fat or sweet toothed, but do agree it is horrible stuff. I am focusing on cutting out carbs for now and will address dc at a later date I think!

OP posts:
LittleMissDisorganized · 03/01/2014 18:18

Me too littlepeas - thanks for posting this.
The insulin response thing is the scientific explanation of why not to - and I needed that as well, thank you.
My strategy was to make sure I drink the water, which will decrease my diet coke consumption as I won't have the bladder capacity for it as well. And hope that's good enough. If I do everything else right and don't lose then I've got to have another think.
I have a thoroughly addictive personality/neurobiology and giving up sugar is going to be huge, diet coke is possibly my last remaining substance - I am going to have to watch myself for processes if I last longer than a few days with this.

LauraBridges · 03/01/2014 16:41

A poison from Hell designed to keep people fat and sweet toothed.

littlepeas · 02/01/2014 13:55

I do want to stop it eventually, but it seems like a lot to give up all at once! I know I will get the mother of all headaches too.......

Ok. Think I will finish the bottle I have left and then try tomorrow without.

OP posts:
SteeleyeStan · 02/01/2014 13:47

I'm sure it's been mentioned somewhere here before too, but I understand that though artificial sweeteners don't affect your blood sugar the way sugar does, they can spike your insulin in a similar way (maybe the sweet taste fools your brain?) so they're not ideal if you're looking to normalise your metabolism/appetite/insulin levels.

The acidity isn't great for teeth either, of course.

timidviper · 02/01/2014 13:46

I think it's an individual decision and you need to weigh up the pros and cons for you.

For me the pros are that I like the taste and it gives me a carb-free treat.
The cons are that it contains caffeine, which may not be good for you and sweeteners, which may impede weight loss via insulin response, be bad for your health generally (I have heard cancer and osteoporosis mentioned) and may perpetuate your love of sweet tastes.

It is a chemical shitstorm in a bottle really and probably best avoided but, if a small amount here and there is likely to help you stick to your diet then you might decide that it is worth it in the short term.
My decision was to ration it, allow myself one a day then try to get rid of it totally a bit further down the line and it hasn't impeded my weight loss although I have tons to lose so you may be different.
I also find my consumption creeps up so, at some point, I will have to stop it totally.

AuntieMaggie · 02/01/2014 13:32

Some people find that sweeteners restrict their weight loss so ideally you should give it up at least for the first two weeks especially as sweet flavours and carb cravings are so closely linked.

Sparkling water is a good alternative as it has more of a taste than plain water and fruit tea is also good.

OnTheBottomWithAWomansWeekly · 02/01/2014 13:29

I would just like to point out that watering the hyacinth was completely separate from my trip to the loo - I used tap water...

PsychoCynic · 02/01/2014 13:27

Or, sparkling water with fresh lemon juice is really nice too. You can get 8 x 2litre bottles from Tesco for £1.50 at the moment!

PsychoCynic · 02/01/2014 13:24

The gold labelled Coke is caffeine free, I bought some the last time I LC'd. Bit more pricey but perhaps a solution?

OnTheBottomWithAWomansWeekly · 02/01/2014 10:45

It's full of caffeine - if you drink it constantly it will fuck up your sleep (I had 2 glasses last night, went to bed at 11, and at 2.16 am I got up, went to the loo, packed a bag as I'm not staying at home tonight, and watered a hyacinth!)

The artificial sweeteners are crap too - is there any way you can cut it out? (I was finishing off the last bottle in the house last night so that I have no temptation from now on)

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