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Low-carb bootcamp

Pre-Christmas Low Carb Bootcamp - the final weigh in!

391 replies

BIWI · 08/12/2014 07:25

Good morning everyone!

I hope you're all still with us, to come and add your final weigh-in to the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness

Or, on the Weight Tracker

It seems like there have been some really good losses on this Bootcamp, and so Flowers for you all!

Hope you all have a very good week

OP posts:
WireCat · 17/01/2015 17:52

Thanks BIWI

BIWI · 17/01/2015 17:43

Is there a recipe thread? Oh yes, there is a recipe thread!!

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WireCat · 17/01/2015 17:41

Im starting this on Monday.

Is there a recipe thread. I'm doing my menu planner. Thanks

Birdinacage · 17/01/2015 14:34

I do the occasional week/few days of no dairy to try and get things moving if I get stuck for a few weeks as it usually works to give the weight loss a bit of a kick up the bum but I couldn't sustain it for too long without being miserable. Glad you managed to loose the stubborn 3lbs and that they took another 2 with them Natural

miffy49 · 17/01/2015 13:14

That's brilliant! A good start ready for Monday. Its a lot easier when the threads are buzzing with a new BC and everyone swapping ideas.

I can fully ditch dairy either! I keep trying but I just don't get the same enjoyment out of my food and I haven't found my weight loss improves enough to warrant the misery. I just try to be a bit more mindful of how much I'm having and make a little go a long way. Just about to experiment with a drizzle of truffle oil instead of cream in my lunchtime broccoli soup.Smile

BIWI · 17/01/2015 11:59


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NaturalBlondeYeahRight · 17/01/2015 11:51

Before we swap over to new boot camp, I just wanted to share that I finally got rid of that overnight 3 pounds, plus 2 more (it took the whole week though) So it was some kind of water/hormonal thing.
Oh, and I didn't give up dairy, can't really do this woe without some - just not that enjoyable for me long term.
Thanks for all your support Flowers
Here's to Monday. I've only got 5 until I get into 'overweight' category so should manage this over next month, fingers crossed.

BIWI · 14/01/2015 14:18

That's a good idea!

Here's today's blog post - Creamy Pesto Turkey

It's about cooking in the microwave in the office, so just a meal for me, but could be worked on for a family meal.

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Pisseslikeahorse · 14/01/2015 09:22

Liked the recipe BIWI I used it to make some burgers, big hit with the kids.

BIWI · 12/01/2015 22:01

So here's my first recipe-containing blog post:

Roasted meatballs

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Pleaseandthankyou · 12/01/2015 08:28

Ok. I am starting again. I started last week. First two days were great then I lost the plot completely. Very stressed at work, not able to sleep, not a good week. I have just read back a few pages. I see I am not the only person struggling to sleep. I used to be able to sleep anywhere but I think it is a combination of stress and possibly my age. I find that a glass of wine in the evening relaxes me and helps me sleep. I miss that on bootcamp. I will read the rest of the thread and see if anyone has any tips

miffy49 · 11/01/2015 16:16

If you are getting a steady loss of 1-2lb a week its going to be almost certainly fat. The big losses and gains generally include a load of water as well so they need to be seen in context.

I like Biwi's fat picture because it gives a better idea of what a pound of fat means. So many people think of fat in terms of butter or lard when human body fat is actually much fluffier than that. Its more like suet really. Its very bulky for its weight so content yourself with the fact that even a small loss can be reducing your dress size quite quickly.

BIWI · 11/01/2015 12:14

That all looks fine, Natural.

And 1.6lbs per week is good as a rate of weight loss. It's far better for sustainable, long term loss to aim at 1-2lbs per week, so you're spot on.

I know it feels slow. But you didn't gain all the weight in a couple of months, so you're not going to lose it quickly, either.

A couple of things to consider, and reject if you don't want to:

  • alcohol; whilst you're making good choices here, it's worth bearing in mind that alcohol is a very easy source of fuel for the body, and it will burn this in preference to anything else. So all the time it's burning the alcohol it won't be burning fat.

  • dairy; it's a definite problem for some people. Butter is fine.

So you may want to experiment with excluding these for a while.

However, the key thing about low carbing is that it's both enjoyable and long term. If you start making it difficult or punitive, the chances are that you will very quickly abandon it, which will defeat the purpose of the whole thing!

It took me around 10 months to lose 2 stones when I first started. This was because I didn't give up alcohol at the weekends (and sometimes if I went out in the evening during the week I would also have a drink.) We also have a take away every Friday and, whilst I didn't order rice with my curry, the meals themselves were undoubtedly higher in carbs than meals I might have cooked plus I might filch a piece of DH's naan bread as well. It also included a couple of weekends away, where I ate what I wanted, a week away with work where I ate what I wanted, and a two week family holiday which was a bit of a carb fest!

So it's a balance between enjoyment, daily living and the drive to lose weight. Yes, I could have lost the weight quicker if I approached low carbing like a 'diet', but I was keen to make it a real way of eating.
OP posts:
NaturalBlondeYeahRight · 11/01/2015 11:55

That was a bit long, thanks for helping me out. Even though I have the mirena, maybe it's hormonal bloat? (Sorry tmi) Smile

NaturalBlondeYeahRight · 11/01/2015 11:54

Thanks you so much Romey, biwi, pisses and sayra. I needed a good talking too. Boot camp light ish until 19th Feels like it should be about 3pm now, yawn. To answer a few questions, yes I enjoy it, don't feel deprived. I know I'm definetly drinking enough (probably more) as I didn't know what 3.5 litres looked like so I measure 4 litres in the amount in bottles in the morning. Finish it all usually.
Yesterday I had
B- two babybel wrapped in ham and spoon of coconut oil
L- my Thai soup made by browning some chicken in coconut oil, bit of bouillon, water, bit low carb veg like cabbage.
D - homemade plain pulled pork, courgette chips with Parmesan and garlic mushrooms in butter.

Friday- 1/3 frittata made with eggs, spinach, bacon, one mushroom. Small amount of Parmesan sprinkled on top (This was breakfast for 3 days)
Lunch - tuna mayo in a cucumber 'bun'
Dinner - chicken leg skin on with roasted cauliflower
Square of 90% choc
Glass dry white
Vodka and soda

It's variations on this (apart from Friday night wine) most days. Choc square x2 a week.

Oh I did have some Philadelphia one night mixed with cream and unsweetened cocoa as a kind of mouse. I like the bitter flavours. That's why I'm wondering about the dairy.
I also had cheddar/butter and marmite in the week as an extra. I also eat about three avocados a week.

SayraT · 11/01/2015 11:25

Natural I think you've done really well, 18 lbs in 11 weeks is amazing. I know it seems a long way to go (I've still got ~81 lbs to go!) so I know how you feel.

At 1.6lbs per week you could be at your goal in 25 weeks (end of June), you are doing the right thing by concentrating on little goals (like your 9 lb goal). You can't let yourself let disheartened if you don't get there, answer the questions BIWI has asked plus ask yourself:

If I hadn't started this WOE 11 weeks ago where would I be?

I don't know about you but I hadn't started this WOE last year I know that I would have been either the same weight, or more likely, heavier instead of 2ish stone lighter.

Lack of sleep can have an effect on weight-loss I think so that won't help and being tired also doesn't help your thought processes and you are probably getting frustrated more easily.

BIWI · 11/01/2015 11:11

One pound of fat ...

Pre-Christmas Low Carb Bootcamp - the final weigh in!
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BIWI · 11/01/2015 11:10

Oh, and here's a picture of a pound of fat. Multiply this by 18!

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BIWI · 11/01/2015 11:06


First thing to say is Flowers brilliant! You've lost 18lbs! And you've kept at it for 11 weeks. So ask yourself these questions:

Have you enjoyed your food?

Do you feel deprived?

Do you feel like you're on a diet?

Hopefully the answer to those questions is Yes, No and No!

And then the killer question:

Are you following Bootcamp rules to the letter?

Specifically, are you drinking enough water? And are you eating plenty of fat?

If you've moved on to Bootcamp Light, are you perhaps allowing 'carb creep'? It's very easy after a while to allow a few too many nuts, or a bit too much fruit, etc

List out for me your last few days' worth of meals and drinks and let me see if there's anything I can help you with

OP posts:
Pisseslikeahorse · 11/01/2015 10:28

Natral - theres no reason you can't reach your goal just keep on keeping on Smile.
If you want list out your last weeks food to see if we can give you any help

Romeyroo · 11/01/2015 09:05

As regards the upcoming 40th, being 40 is a year and being over 40 is the rest of your life. You are losing the weight to benefit the rest of your life; so a few pounds off target for your birthday should not cloud your birthday. You are working your way downwards, which is what matters.

Romeyroo · 11/01/2015 08:59

Thank you, Bitchy and Chipping, yes, I was ice skating in the morning, so probably was the crayfish. Hmm, that is my go to food after ice skating because it is the best low carb option in the food mall. Will take my own lunch next time; will be cheaper too.

I am feeling better, though washed out. At the advice of Dr Google, I tried 'colonic massage'Hmm. Just in case you ever have a similar predicament.

I hope you night owls are not too exhausted this morning; I had insomnia for a year or so related to anxiety, it was horrible. Massive sympathy to you.

Natural, 18lbs in 11 weeks is great though. Regarding the 3lbs, I put on 4 a couple of weeks ago after eating a bit more carby than usual when I had no choice one day. It was literally an Ear Natural bar and about half a panini. I did several days of strict low carbing (kept the cheese though but not much) and it whooshed down again. I think one of the more expert than me posters said glycogen holds water as well, which adds to the weight.

Really don't be disheartened, you are doing really well and if you stick with the woe then I think (hope) the advantage is that the weight will stay off. As you say, it is a marathon, so steady progress is the name of the game. I know what you mean, though, I am trying to shift inches off my hips and waist and have been stuck at the same measurements for about six weeks. My boobs and arms have shrunk [the boob shrinkage is not good, there was not much there to begin with, but looking forward to wearing short sleeves again in the summer. There is always padding for the other dept!]


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NaturalBlondeYeahRight · 11/01/2015 04:24

Aghhhhh insomnia here as well now (thought it was 5am so got up and it's only 4am) Insomnia and frustration. Sudden weight gain of those 3 pounds on Friday morning are really bugging me. The only thing I went off plan for this week was a glass of wine and a satsuma.
I've worked out that for the 11 weeks I've been doing this woe, I've only lost 18lbs, 8 of which were in first 2 weeks. I've got another 40 to go so this is going to take ages.........Sad
I know it's a marathon (and I plan to eat like this forever) but 1.6 a week when you are this big is disheartening.
It's my 40th in 5 weeks, I really wanted to get into 'overweight' bm I but now I have 9 pounds to go and don't think I'll make it.
Maybe I'll cut dairy for a week, I will be gutted if it's that.
I sound like such a negative nancy - sorry. Think it's the night time blues.

ChippingInLatteLover · 11/01/2015 03:41

Even though it's cold, it's nice to be home isn't it :)

I'd guess at the crayfish too. It might have been left out of the grudge somewhere along the line. Hope you feel better by the morning.

BitchyTakesOnManagement · 11/01/2015 03:30

could it just be the crayfish was boardline? It is the only thing that I can think of. Not over enough to cause food posioning but enough to make you feel off iyswim. Sorry you are feeling so ill. Hope you feel better soon.

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