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Low-carb bootcamp

What can I eat instead of ......?

10 replies

Parsnipcake · 11/05/2014 22:02

I thought this might be a useful thread, I really enjoy finding alternatives to satisfy my cravings/ wants or just to make me part of a family meal.

My ideas -

risotto - cauliflower rice works well for risotto, and it cooks very quickly, alongside a traditional risotto so the family can all eat together

potato dauphinoise - substitute potato for swede or celeriac

breadcrumbs - crushed pork scratchings and Parmesan make a great crispy coating

cheese and crackers - celery dipped in melted Brie

OP posts:
Parsnipcake · 14/05/2014 19:29

What about a chocolate fat bomb? I make 12 from one 25g bar of aldi chocolate, mixed with butter, almond butter and coconut oil. I melt it all and freeze it, and the individual bombs taste very chocolates even though they only have 2g of chocolate in each one. ( only on bootcamp lite though)

OP posts:
willowisp · 14/05/2014 18:53

Is there an alternative to chocolate ?

I'm 6lbs off my ideal weight & managed to achieve ideal weight on BOOTCAMP about 18mths ago. 6 mths ago I, well, got a bit fed up I guess & put it back on Hmm

I actually feel I've got a bit of an eating disorder as have lost all sense of 'good' & 'bad' food. I mixed up my low carb with 5:2 & now I don't have any will power & feel rubbish because I'm doing so badly Confused

linesandlines · 12/05/2014 10:06

Ooh, loads of lovely suggestions, thank you!

As an alternative to bread, Oopsie rolls really are pretty good. They don't taste like bread, and aren't strong enough to hold say, a burger, but if you want the convenience of something spread on top of something else and being able to eat without cutlery, they're great.

Atbeckandcall · 12/05/2014 08:24

For pizza, I'd recommend Nigella's meatzza.

Instead of dough, it's a giant burger patty made from mince, garlic etc. you'll find the recipe on line.

ihatethecold · 12/05/2014 07:34

I use courgette for spaghetti.
Use a potato peeler to make long strips then dry on some butter.
It's so yum.
I don't low carb really but I love having this.

MollyBdenum · 12/05/2014 07:29

For pizza, I use the topping flavours I like and use them in a warm salad. I have a base of rocket and spinach, with tomatoes, olives and sometimes cheese, then fry some red onions and peppers gently until they are soft. I take those out of the pan and fry some chorizo or bacon, add the onions and peppers back in, and put a spoonful of red wine vinegar into the pan. Mix it together, pour over the salad, toss and eat.

BIWI · 12/05/2014 07:25

I've made 'pizza' from a chicken breast before! Slice the breast open, lengthwise, cover with cling film and then beat with a meat tenderiser/rolling pin so that you completely flatten it.

Fry it quickly on either side, to seal and brown it, then add your pizza toppings and put under the grill.

Seri77 · 12/05/2014 07:20

For pizza base I use 2 green peppers cut so they lie flat and microwave them for about 5 mins so they're still crisp but not raw. Just pile on your ingredients after that and into oven or microwave to melt the cheese.

I also tried the cauli base and it was too much of a faff, caused havoc in the kitchen and I didn't get great results. Tasted good though.

BIWI · 11/05/2014 22:43

Celeriac is a fantastic substitute in dauphinoise or boulangere - recipes for both on the recipe thread

And also for mash - along with cauliflower

Almonds make a great pastry base - 225g ground almonds, 55g butter and an egg white whizzed together in a processor make a good pastry base for tarts/quiches

linesandlines · 11/05/2014 22:40

pizza -anyone? please? I tried a cauliflower base but it was deeply unsuccessful.

Tell you what, this woe really shows you that carbs truly are just fodder. Most of them are just carriers or tools to get other food in to you.

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