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love where is it?

39 replies

romantick · 07/01/2005 10:08

a doting divorced dad.looking to find a princess again to live the happy ever after.
why is there no single princesses in norfolk or suffolk

OP posts:
carolerl · 18/01/2005 23:15

meeting new partners is a problem - Hey still single 12 years on. Although lot of that is choice,,,

I've had great fun with online dating. suits me as I'm really confined to the house during the week - and a lot of weekends. Met some really nice guys that way and there are worse ways to spend an evening once the kids are in bed than online flirting!

Good luck!


happynewessbee · 07/01/2005 19:33

Message withdrawn

romantick · 07/01/2005 19:12

help i need to change my name

OP posts:
bonniej · 07/01/2005 12:35

Aimsmum, howies obviously trying to make a comeback He was fantastic, and sexy in an odd kind of way. (at least I thought so anyway)

Aimsmum · 07/01/2005 12:33

Message withdrawn

coppertop · 07/01/2005 12:26

Sorry, Romantick. Just realised that as you're 37 you've probably been putting up with the HJ question for years. Sorry.

NameChangingMancMidlander · 07/01/2005 12:22

Mmmmmmmmm, Howie....

Carla · 07/01/2005 12:21

Someone do nutty a link (can't do them myself).

NameChangingMancMidlander · 07/01/2005 12:19

I'm 22 and have heard of him, so it's not an age thing. Couldn't name any of his songs though.

Nutcracker · 07/01/2005 12:17

I am 26 have never heard of him.

bonniej · 07/01/2005 12:09

who's Howard Jones??? Am I really that old? of you nutty, you must be very young

coppertop · 07/01/2005 11:55

I feel old now, Nutty.

Carla · 07/01/2005 11:54

Nutty!! You must be a whippersnapper!

Nutcracker · 07/01/2005 11:53

Sorry , who is Howard Jones ???

romantick · 07/01/2005 11:52

im too tall to be the 80's singer

OP posts:
coppertop · 07/01/2005 11:50

Bye, Romantick.

coppertop · 07/01/2005 11:49

bonniej - I wondered that too but didn't dare ask.

romantick · 07/01/2005 11:49

well time i vanished for now as things to do.need to cook some lunch.
thanbks for the replies and hope to read some more when i come back later.
so will i find love again.mind you i am saying again.did i find it first time around.i dont think so.
need to find that electric spark.
that moment where that first kiss is electric.
mind you think that would have to be done on a nylon carpet.two people statically charged.
waffling now or dreaming.
take care all untill later

OP posts:
bonniej · 07/01/2005 11:45

you're not the howard jones are you??

Nutcracker · 07/01/2005 11:42

Perhaps we all come across as too scary, what do you reckon Jmg ???

coppertop · 07/01/2005 11:39

Jmg's right. We're determined to find him someone and I'm sure we'll do our best to help you too!

Come back!

jmg1 · 07/01/2005 11:36

romantick, you can't go now they won't let you, there is no escape.


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romantick · 07/01/2005 11:33

well if anybody wants to chat more and not on here. i am on msn messenger.
email is [email protected]

OP posts:
Carla · 07/01/2005 11:21

Oh, come back romantick. There are single mums on here, just not necessarily talking at the moment. You sound lovely, and just the sort of chap we'd like chatting with us!

NameChangingMancMidlander · 07/01/2005 11:15

Why the wrong place ? I don't understand. This thread seems to be one started asking for advice/help on finding Ms Right. You've been given/offered said advice, so I don't see how MN could be the wrong place to come ?

Enjoy France

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