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why do xp cry

11 replies

TLV · 07/02/2008 20:02

Mine picked up dd took her to our house, when I arrived home I kept out of the way, he was with her in the lounge and she was chattering away and he started filling up again!! fecking shit why does he do it, he chose to leave us, I tried to make it work he didn't want to know so I think he has a nerve coming in here and crying,

I'm so angry with him, he is taking my upcoming relate session alone, the counsellor asked me to ask him to go alone, quite frankly i'm surprised he agreed to it, she told me that often marriages go through a rocky stage but if you stick at it you often find yourself having a more fulfilling relationship having worked through the difficult times, somehow can't see stbx agreeing with that.

what an arse!

OP posts:
TLV · 08/02/2008 19:32

I still find it strange he is going to relate, when he first left he was so adamant that he didn't want to go, not really sure what he hopes to get out of it, but dare let the bastard come in here and cry again

OP posts:
VictorianSqualor · 08/02/2008 14:33

Ha, no, he wasn't crying, but has been for the last 2 1/2 years, and can carry on.

Baffy · 08/02/2008 13:36


I think they cry to get sympathy so that we reassure them everything is ok, and that eases their guilt.

Tw*ts! Manipulation of the highest order.

(lostdad I'm sorry for what you're going through, sounds like an awful situation.)

skyatnight · 08/02/2008 13:33

(yes, she bit him....)

I've never seen my ex cry (or show much emotion of any sort, come to think of it!). It's something I fantasise about.

lostdad · 08/02/2008 10:45

Was he crying at the time?


allgonebellyup · 08/02/2008 10:09

you caught him with his cock in someone else's mouth????


VictorianSqualor · 08/02/2008 08:14

Ugh, my ex used to cry, but I distinctly remember him laughing in my face and then punching me when I caught him with his cock in someone elses mouth, methinks they may be crocodile tears....

Flllightattendant · 08/02/2008 08:07

Mine used to come round and cry, while asking me to 'trust him, just a little bit' while falining to explain why he had been abusive in the first place.

It was often accompanied by a 'meaningful' stare, while he held my hand and refused to let go. Makes me feel quite sick to think about it.

Manipulation of the highest order, and not even very cleverly done.


lostdad · 08/02/2008 08:02

I often cry.

I cry because I went from being a dad who cared for and spent time with is son every day from the day he was born right up until the point she left without warning with him and refused virtually all contact.

Which is why I am confused when I am the `visiting father' - I didn't go anywhere...she did.

macdoodle · 07/02/2008 21:49

oh mine too he had affair begged to come back lied lied lied got her pg then got me pg...and still cries and acts like he is hurt party ....TWAT

allgonebellyup · 07/02/2008 20:59

i find this too.

i asked dh to leave, he did. some months later i ask/beg him to return as it was all a huge mistake and he refuses and stupidly finds a new gf who he gets preggers.
Now he just comes round here, sits with the kids and wells up.

What am i supposed to do about it?

fwiw i think your ex has a nerve.

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