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DD 4 stared coming in my bed every night for past few months ( have posted in sleep too)

5 replies

pirategirl · 05/03/2007 13:24

I dont really mind, it give us a better sleep, she wakes habitually now to come in, and goes straight to sleep.

She has never been a cuddly baby/toddler/child, so altho she has always been a dreaful sleeper, she's never come in with me. DH not around anymore, so I quite like her company!!

Does anyone else have a regular visitor!!

OP posts:
pirategirl · 05/03/2007 21:54

HI, yeah, if i had new fella then of course i would have to put a stop to it. But I am very very reluctant to let anyone in to my life again let alone my bed !!!!

My dd has never wanted to sleep in my bed, even when poorly has turned down my offers!!!

I like that she needs me right now, but can see the day coming when i want my bed back. Her dad is messing us around alot and she just seems to need that extra comfort.

OP posts:
ForeverBlowingBubbles · 05/03/2007 14:36

I have a regular visitor too. DD is 8 and without even waking up, comes into my bed between 2-4am every night. She's a terrible sleepwalker as it is. I don't have a partner to worry about, so I don't mind too much. Sometimes I wish i could have the bed to myself for a whole night, and I have tried putting her straight back in her own bed as soon as she comes in, but tbh I hardly ever wake up when she comes in! I do worry a bit about whether or not it's appropriate at her age, but I don't really know what to do about it. I can't exactly lock her in her bedroom can I,

TinkieWinkie · 05/03/2007 14:14

totally agree melly

we all know when the time's right not to keep co-sleeping. especially if a new boyfriend is in the situation.

not good for the child's perception / relationship with new bf if they get sent out of your bed only when he's there. i totally agree on that. it's not fair to send mixed signals and expect a child to understand.

for me, only recently separated and still very much in love with dh (no intention of moving on just yet!) i'm happy with my cuddles and closeness with ds for now. i'm sure i'll know when the time's right to put him in his own room.

(btw couldn't find that other thread. did a search in 'sleep' and found loads of good co-sleeping stuff - that's why it took me so long to come back!)

Melly · 05/03/2007 14:03

Hi Pirategirl. I left dh last March and although at first I thought dd and ds weren't too affected, one of things that happened was that ds started being a regular visitor in the night. I think he was looking for comfort and reassurance. But, although some mornings as Tinkwinkie says it was lovely to see his lovely sleepy face beside me, it didn't feel right and I only let it go on for a while and then decided i had to get him back to sleeping all night in his bed. It's a really personal thing and I think if you are happy with it, then great, if you are happy and relaxed then dd will be too. Personally I like having the bed to myself . Also my boyfriend stays over some nights and I didn't think it was fair to my ds or expect him to understand that he could sleep in my bed some nights and not others. However if either of mine are poorly or really distressed then I don't mind them coming in with me.

TinkieWinkie · 05/03/2007 13:36

Yes i do! And I love his company and his cuddles and being able to see his beautiful sleepy face when we wake up!

There was a good thread on this a couple of weeks ago. Someone asked for positive stories about co-sleeping and it was nice to see so many happy stories. Will have a search for it...

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