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Annoyed at DS teacher

6 replies

wonderstuff100 · 21/09/2016 18:56

My 7 year old has just returned to school after being off since Monday with a cough and generally feeling under the weather. I'm a full time supply teacher so don't get paid if I don't go to work and luckily my mum had those two days off,so she looked after him. He was much better on the Tuesday hence why he went back today.
Ds announced just now that his teacher commented that he should still be at home because of his cough. Now,I don't believe she meant it in a mean way,but she's really got my back up. She should know his family background (I work FT and his dad isn't aeound) as that into is usually passed up and her comment comes across a bit judgementjudgemental. Like I didn't feel like a crap enough mum as it was getting my mum to look after him. I'd LOVE to have the money to not work if he's sick,but that's not an option.

And also,hes fine in himself. Yes,ha has had cough and a sniffle but most kids do this time of year. He's been to the doctor who said it's just a virus and he generally always gets a flight that lasts around a month about this time of year.

As I said,I hope she didn't mean I nastily but I still feel she was a bit judgemental

OP posts:
BlackeyedSusan · 25/09/2016 22:56

offs. they are always banging on about getting into school... can't have it both ways.

Starlight234 · 24/09/2016 11:04

I think a bit of dammed if you do dammed if you don't ...

They want you in school for ofsted but then they are spreading infection..

No idea if your son was well enough to be in school or not. Coughs tend to be worse first thing in the morning IME..

Your situation has really nothing to do with it..If a child is not well enough to be in school then they shouldn't be.

Lunar1 · 21/09/2016 19:04

I hope she didn't say it in a way that upset your ds, I'd have sent my two back in as well. I'm not sure what family circumstances would have to do with it though. Too sick for school means you don't go in.

wonderstuff100 · 21/09/2016 19:00

Thank you! I don't hesitate to take time off if he's sick but he very rarely is.

OP posts:
abbsismyhero · 21/09/2016 18:57

its a cough and a sniffle if she wanted him to be off every time a kid had a cold she better get used to empty classrooms

wonderstuff100 · 21/09/2016 18:57

Cough,not flight!

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