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Lockdown learning

5yo learning and wfh, how do you do it?

27 replies

uhoh2020 · 04/04/2020 06:58

Massive mum guilt! I have hardly done any learning with my 5yo I don't know where to start. I'm wfh full time too more or less constantly tied to the phone all day. I feel I'm really letting him down.
Reading and writing is not something he enjoys and was behind in these before school broke up. He needs to be sat with to do any sort of reading or writing which a I haven't got the time to dedicate too him and b I've not a clue how to teach him these things like phonics etc.
He can only just about write his own name never mind write a sentence. I'm failing my boy !

OP posts:
Indecisivelurcher · 14/04/2020 12:27

I have a Dd in reception. I'm trying to do one maths app, one reading app or book, and one learning activity a day. My winners so far have been the apps teach a monster to read, and doodle maths (school need to register you). Websites : Oxford owl for phonics books, you need to register but it's free. Also kindle books from your local library are currently free. My Dd is level 2 or 3 so that sounds fine to me?! Then I try to have a Google for ideas and prep something the night before. Ideas are lay out some sums with objects like apples, cars, just slips of paper with + = etc. I looked up digraphs and wrote some simple words onto half Easter eggs such as Chick with Ch on one half and ick on the other then hid them around the house. I've been taking screenshots of any good ideas I spot on Facebook or whatever. Dd gets Netflix time for doing her maths and reading, tidying up, sleeping well, being helpful, 5 min per thing. She can spend them after lunch. I give her 5p coins so she has to add them up too! I hope this helps! I think it's about integrating little things into the day rather than stressing about sitting them down to teach them. That's not our job.

Indecisivelurcher · 14/04/2020 12:30

If Dd 5 and ds 2 are off playing then I 100% leave them to it and count that as a win!

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