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Honiton Maternity Unit- Help Save It

6 replies

Carseatcrazy · 15/03/2010 14:36

Hi everyone.
There is a growing facebook campaign (and associated petition) growing in East Devon to help save the post natal care provided by Honiton Maternity Unit. Please see the facebook page:!/group.php?gid=354819100274&ref=ss to sign up and join in - also if you can volunteer to help circulate the petition at all to your local mums, please give Gavin the group creator a quick email thanks very much....

OP posts:
TwentiethCenturyHeffa · 22/03/2010 13:47

I've joined the Honiton FB group. I'm not sure who is running the campaign out here but there is someone sorting out some letters to be sent and the chief midwife will be sorting out a petition/letter when she gets back from annual leave apparently.

Carseatcrazy · 22/03/2010 11:18

I've tried to contact Kate via facebook, but she's not responded- would anyone be able to get her to contact me, or Gavin the facebook group creator for Honiton.

also, would anyone be able to get one of the campaign people from Okey to contact us - we really (and quite urgently) need to get everyone together.

The Honiton campaign seems to be skyrocketing- and there is every chance with the election coming up we could take it national level- and we need to take it the national stage together

OP posts:
TwentiethCenturyHeffa · 22/03/2010 07:38

We're having the same problem in Okehampton too Bringing everyone together sounds sensible, I don't know if there's a FB group supporting the Okey unit but there is a campaign going.

bluebump · 15/03/2010 15:50

No it's a good idea, Kate the creater of the Tivvy group is always looking for ways to highlight the problem I think!

Carseatcrazy · 15/03/2010 15:42

oh no- what a nightmare i've copied in the two group creators in the hope that we can maybe all get together and do something together - so far there are almost 2000 people on these two groups- surely the RD&E has got to listen to us all? Not quite sure how we co-ordinate this, but might be worth bringing everyone together...sorry once again for slightly hijacking the thread...

OP posts:
bluebump · 15/03/2010 14:46

We have the same problem here in Tiverton.

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