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GCSE Maths Tutor recommendation

4 replies

SoTiredNeedHoliday · 25/01/2021 11:30

Hi I am looking for a recommendation of a really good online maths tutor for GCSE age students. My child is year 9


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Robinsanpaku · 19/07/2022 14:36

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ShabibiChic · 03/02/2021 16:44

Thanks for letting me know - let me know if anything changes.

SoTiredNeedHoliday · 03/02/2021 15:25

Hi Shabibi, your message was just a day too late. I have arranged someone now but will come back if it doesn't work out.
thank you

OP posts:
ShabibiChic · 03/02/2021 12:00

Hi, my son is a third year Maths student at Oxford but has taken this year off.

He put an advert on Next Door to tutor maths at A-Level and GCSE. He has done this before during his holidays and is quite good and does enjoy it. If you like you can try a session and see how it goes. He can do it online - let me know and I will connect you.

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