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Dentist recommendations

3 replies

Blueseriph · 19/07/2017 19:06

I am looking to take my 1 year old DD to a dentist for the first time and wondered if anyone had any recommendations in Wimbledon of one that is good with kids

OP posts:
LocalEditorMerton · 07/11/2017 09:15

Here's a mum's response to our related FB post:

"Tatiana Suvorova: I am hearing excellent things about this doctor:"

Mollyholt · 01/11/2017 06:08

I'm a patient at Confidental Dental Clinic in Wimbledon. their are highly skilled friendly, caring and efficient staff to makes you feel at easy when you are in the chair. If you find a good dental clinic in Wimbledon so i recommend to you for Confidental Dental Clinic.

gazzalw · 04/08/2017 19:05

My family has been using Roksana at her dental practice on Haydons Road for years. She's brilliant and makes the children (and grown-ups too!) feel very at ease.

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