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Chapel Allerton

2 replies

emmag2015 · 20/05/2016 10:45

Hi, I have 12 month old triplets and just wanted to see if there are any local groups in and around Chapel Allerton. I work on all day on a Monday, Tues and Thurs afternoons, so anything would have to fit around those days.
The problem I have is that I would be going to groups on my own, so may need a bit of help with 3 babies when I get there! It's so difficult to get out and I need to!

OP posts:
Windtherobinup · 22/05/2016 07:42

On a Wednesday morning there is a group at St Matthews church in Chapel Allerton. It's at 10am. I'm sure other mums and leaders would help you out. There are also morning groups at Moortown Baptist Church on Thursdays and Fridays. That is probably the best toddler group I've been too as there are three rooms of toys for different ages.

AarghGrrAargh · 20/05/2016 17:54

Hi emmag2015. I don't specifically know Chapel Allerton but I do know that there is a Leeds Twins & Multiples group which I think is at Mothercare at Crown Point on Fridays. They have a facebook page that you can join.

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