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Home Educating in Lincoln?

2 replies

canadiankath · 16/05/2016 19:45

Hello, I am just starting to home educate my daughter (10) and wondered if there are any groups/networks in the area?

OP posts:
kirstenbarr · 21/07/2016 16:11

The Peterborough Centre for Young Musicians (PCYM) is an exciting new venture for the region’s talented young musicians aged between 7-18 years.

Professional tuition is offered in association with the prestigious Guildhall School of Music & Drama. The Centre will provide a comprehensive package of training, developing key skills in regular practice, instrumental and vocal technique, musical analysis and performance.

PCYM will deliver a high quality centre of excellence, making Peterborough the regional destination for music tuition and performance skills.

Doobydoo · 18/05/2016 22:00

Haloo. There is a face book group Lincoln Home Educators lots of stuff going on.

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