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Market Harborough - good place to live with young kids?

2 replies

Butterscotch123 · 14/07/2015 09:45

Hi everyone!

Hoping for some advice! My family and I currently live in London and are considering a move to market harborough. Really scary move, especially because my poor husband would still have to commute to London for work, but would allow us to be close to both our families and we'd be able to afford a nice family home.

Wondering if anyone has made a similar move and how they feel about it? For me personally, my main concern is making friends with other mums in the area - is there much going on for mums in the area? Opportunities to meet people?

Thanks :-)

OP posts:
Butterscotch123 · 14/07/2015 14:00

Hi satsumasrock! Thanks so much for your message! It's great to hear that you love living in market harborough - what's the commute like for you? Do you get a seat on the train?

OP posts:
SatsumasRock · 14/07/2015 10:05


I moved to Harborough from London with pregnant with my eldest who is now nearly 5. I love it. Even when I win the lottery, I'd stay in the area. Although I'd probably buy a big house in one of the lovely villages.

I still commute to London and so does my husband. It's an expensive commute - about £8,500 a year for a season ticket. But houses, nursery fees are cheaper and all the schools are good.

There's loads of stuff for mums and children. This is literally this first time I've ever been on the local site so I'm not sure if I'll find it again so I'll PM you!

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