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Reading School

11 replies

BlueElephant90 · 08/01/2012 12:58

My ds took a test at RS however he didn't have a good feeling about the school. We haven't got the results back yet so he might not even make it

How is it really? is it a hot house? Do they care about the students? .....

OP posts:
BlueElephant90 · 10/10/2012 09:03

sorry I've changed my mind not mine

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BlueElephant90 · 10/10/2012 09:01

Hi aliportico. Sorry I haven't logged in for a long time. No my son is not going to RS at the moment. I have asked around and heard some horried things so I changed my mine. I hope your son is happy there...

OP posts:
aliportico · 11/06/2012 08:32

Hi Blueelephant - I know this thread is v old, but this section is so quiet, thought I'd say hello.

My son is going to Reading in September too :) We did the open evening in y5, just the tour, and really liked it, then went back for the headmaster's talk in y6, and both came away with not such a great feeling about the place. Anyway, he still did the test and got in, and since going to the welcome evening and one session of the Literacy/PE double club they are running (is your son going to that?), he's really looking forward to it :)

RustyBear · 28/03/2012 21:15

Can't believe your DS is in the sixth form already, Milliways. My first MN post was congratulating you on him getting in!

galaxymummy · 28/03/2012 20:58

music club science club rugby and cricket tours abroad classics club enless really congratulations

BlueElephant90 · 21/03/2012 19:46

Oh! Thank you very much Milliways :)

OP posts:
Milliways · 05/03/2012 21:51

Well done! My DS is in the 6th form and still loving it :)

BlueElephant90 · 03/03/2012 13:27

Oh! We've got the results, he's been offered a place. I am so happy :)

OP posts:
BlueElephant90 · 29/02/2012 17:01

So sorry galaxy, as there was no response for a while I stopped checking.
Thank you for the feed back, very helpful.

OP posts:
mumneedhelp · 19/02/2012 15:14

Does anyone know what extra curricular activities are available at Reading School. Also, if there are after school clubs my DS can join and participate.

galaxymummy · 12/02/2012 17:47

not a hot house really care brilliant education and building a canteen my son spent 7 happy years here now at first year at uni.
best person to ask is your son it suits the bright musical and sport but about 6 applicants per place may he be happy wherever he goes

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