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looking for a one-off babysitter in Hereford

3 replies

ExistentialistCat · 01/06/2011 13:53

We're going to a wedding in Hereford on the 23rd of July and need someone to look after DD1 (2 years) and DD2 (10 months) for a few hours in the afternoon and evening. Can anyone reccommend a local babysitter or a local agency? I've googled, of course, but it would be nice to have a personal reccommendation.

Thank you!

OP posts:
awatkins95 · 03/05/2016 10:45

Try looking on or for local babysitters! :)

Zeddy1 · 14/08/2014 13:30

Hello I can help I'm
A 33 year old girl I currently work for the nhs my mobile number is 07584634030 thanks

Muckyhighchair · 01/07/2011 21:50

Lollypops nursery is really fab, but they shut at 6 thou,
I cant think of any good childminders/baby sitters

Lollypops may put you in a right direction, sometimes some of there staff do some sitting in the evenings.

Cant rember the number but its 64 newtown road

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