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postnatal depression support

3 replies

natsyloo · 23/01/2011 18:47

hi there,

I'm setting up a PND group for mums in Macclesfield (I know there's one already in Stockport but there doesn't appear to be a Macc local thread). We had our first meeting on Fri with a handful of mums and a HV and it went really well.

All we want to do is offer mums a regular drop in session so they can come (with or without dcs) for reassuring chats and meet like-minded mums going through, or who have been through, PND.

Those who are familiar with it know how scary and isolating it can be so it would be lovely to get mums together to offer some support.

Please can you let me know if this would be of interest. Thx.

OP posts:
natsyloo · 18/08/2011 21:06

Hi there, really sorry about the delayed response- I haven't checked this thread in a while. Are you still interested in local support? The Smile Grp meets every Fri from 10-12 at Hurdsfield Children's Centre. Not ideal for you but we encourage mums to bring babies so daytime works best. I don't want to exclude people though and we're here to help if you wld benefit from meeting local mums who've been through PND (I know how scary it is). Pm me if you want any more info xx

OP posts:
Siunne · 05/07/2011 10:27

Hi there

I am a mum with PND but back at work...

i would be interested but daytime would be out for me

natsyloo · 01/02/2011 18:02

wow - it's ever so quiet takers at all? any other ideas how to reach vulnerable mums who might not be going to children's centres or playgroups etc?

any help wld be valued...


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