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Julia Durbin nursery oxford

9 replies

vanillacinnamon · 21/07/2010 10:23

I have searched for posts on the Julia Durbin nursery in Oxford as we are thinking of paying the deposit on places for our two dcs there. The last post was back in Nov 2009. Does anyone have any recent or current experience of sending their littles to Julia Durbin, good or bad experiences or thoughts very much appreciated. Many thanks

OP posts:
Deeg · 27/09/2018 22:28

Hi @shwott just wondered if you had any more recent info on Julia durbin nursery please? Thank you.

shwott · 16/05/2018 02:30

Hi @aquavit have you been happy with Julia Durbin nursery since then? I'm in a similar situation to yours at the moment and looking for a place in Oxford for my 2.5 year old son. Many many thanks!

aquavit · 03/08/2010 14:48

glad it helped and I hope your dc are as happy there as ours! it's a bit of a leap isn't it - you're bound to feel a bit worried. I did at first, of course, but I'm so glad we took her there!

best wishes with it all

vanillacinnamon · 03/08/2010 14:06

aquavit thanks for your post which is great, it means so much to feel some reassurance about daycare in light of the hours involved i really appreciate all replies and thanks acqua this is great info especially about the food bit (we try to give fresh food at home but i am no way perfect so anything on a par in terms of freshness and reasonably healthiness would be great)

OP posts:
aquavit · 03/08/2010 13:01

vanilla, this is perhaps a bit late but our dd (15mo) is at Julia Durbin (has been since she was 4mo) and we are very VERY happy with them. You can ask them for copies of the menus - they prepare the food onsite (I think) and it has always struck me as good - definitely not turkey twizzlers! also they seem to keep careful records of anything the children shouldn't have (because of allergies or parental preference).

About the room changing: it was a bit unsettling when she moved up a room but they were really helpful and had staff from the baby room help settle her in.

DD loves it there, the garden is great, the staff are great, she gets to do far more in the way of messy play than she does at home...

good luck with the settling in sessions, hope it all goes well for both your dc

vanillacinnamon · 03/08/2010 12:45

Rosalia thanks for your message which is extremely useful, I have just arranged settling in sessions for one of mine today and the baby will be going at the end of the year too so your thoughts are very helpful, thanks
my only concern now which there seems no way of finding out the real picture is how good the food is. my problem is with two under two years having somewhere where all the food is provided is such a bonus if not an essential when you are back at work 8am till 6 or 7. i just pray its not turkey twizzlers.... and that they do lots of creative and messy play like painting and cooking for my 2 yr old as my attempts to do this at home for her are a bit hit and miss sometimes...!

OP posts:
rosalia · 02/08/2010 15:28

Perhaps this is a bit late for you, but I just saw this and thought I would add that my son was at Julia Durbin full time for 3 years (he finished when he went to school last September). As would e the case anywhere, we had the occasional grumble, and the staff are variable, but overall he was very, very happy there. I am also friends with other parents with children there and everyone seems very happy with the care. I now have a new baby and will be sending her there in January.

vanillacinnamon · 22/07/2010 09:58

great thanks so much for your post and your thoughts tarka

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TarkaLiotta · 21/07/2010 19:41

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