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Dubai based mumsnet meet up!

26 replies

Starmummy · 28/05/2008 04:18


This is an open invite to anyone who would like to join a mumsnet meetup in Dubai.

I know there are a few people, escape, Inthepink, Frogprincess, anyone else you are more than welcome.

Me personally would prefer an evening as I work 8am till 2 pm then collect DS. Not sure where anyone lives but happy to meet somewhere on SZR possibly or anywhere else.

Post your ideas and lets meet before school finishes.

See you soon


OP posts:
Starmummy · 21/10/2008 19:03

Hi Barbie 1 and everyone else, sorry its been hellish busy now the party season has kicked off.

Barbie if you look on the jobs page on they have a job on their at the moment for a facilaist I think it said. Might give you an idea of the going rate. All the new hotels have spas and managers move all the time. I cant imagaine you would have too much of a problem finding something. Sorry about your mmc, loads of people here can offer support for you and tell you all about medical care. I dont know about babies but the american Hosp was fab when Ds had his appendix out. Couldnt fault them at all. Ask as many questions as you like.

To those already here, new or old we really do need a roll call and a date for ameet up.

I shall start another thread to get everyones name and suggest a date and location and see how it pans out.

Good luck barbie1, see you out here soon ;-)

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