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What is the best American oven cleaner that actually works? It has to becasue i haven't cleaned my oven for a year and I'm having a party on Saturday...

25 replies

chocchipcookie · 10/02/2008 12:06

... help!

OP posts:
OverRated · 17/02/2008 01:08

Mumsnet should be getting commission from Easy Off.

expatinscotland · 17/02/2008 00:58

i have to say it's Easy Off for my vote.

dooneygirl · 17/02/2008 00:56

Amen to that.

Califrau · 17/02/2008 00:54

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dooneygirl · 17/02/2008 00:51

No, there's only really one blop from where a sweet potato leaked, and I have a hard time wanting to clean it for that. I can't say as I'd be embarrassed if someone looked in it, but it just seems like I should because it has been awhile. I think that self-cleaning oven cleaning smell is the worst smell any of my houses has ever had in them, and really don't want to clean it. I'm hoping we move before my oven gets too dirty.

chocchipcookie · 15/02/2008 12:48

PS - have you cleaned your oven then???

OP posts:
chocchipcookie · 15/02/2008 12:47

But I am the only woman in Ohio who hasn't cleaned her oven this year, Dooney. So I have let down myself and the State. Watched Survivor last night and Celeb Apprentice.

OP posts:
dooneygirl · 15/02/2008 03:15

Somehow I managed to forget about this thread.

Remind me never to go to Ohio. Or at least own an oven there.

OverRated · 15/02/2008 01:51

Tsk tsk Chocchip

chocchipcookie · 14/02/2008 12:40

Watched Wife Swap last night - horrendous mad people - so didn't clean oven.

Another year could go by at this rate.

OP posts:
mom2latinoboys · 13/02/2008 19:23

If your oven isn't clean just say that an immaculate kitchen is one that doesn't get used.

OverRated · 13/02/2008 18:58

at nosey neighbours. No-one has ever inspected the inside of my oven.

mom2latinoboys · 13/02/2008 14:06

Easy off is wonderful stuff, I have to agree.

chocchipcookie · 13/02/2008 13:14

Dear Dooney. Yes! The last time my next door neighbour came over she opened my oven!!! Just to see whether my grease collector was in the same place as hers. This is Ohio...

OP posts:
dooneygirl · 13/02/2008 02:52

I think I shall hide this thread, because I need to clean mine, but hate the smell so much, I don't want to self-clean, (and I have this secret fear that I'll turn it on, leave, and come back to a burnt down house) but because I have a self cleaning oven, I really don't want to clean it myself.

CalintineFrauers · 13/02/2008 02:44

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dooneygirl · 13/02/2008 02:42

and you're having a party Saturday. . . and people are going to be taking a tour of your oven? (Sorry, that's how I finished your sentence in my head)

chocchipcookie · 13/02/2008 02:40

Didn't get round to it. This is why I haven't done it for a year, you see. Provencrastination.

OP posts:
CalifrauQuoteoftheWeek · 12/02/2008 18:21

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OverRated · 12/02/2008 18:14


chocchipcookie · 12/02/2008 11:50

I am going to try easy-off tonight. Will report back.

OP posts:
SparklyDYSONGothKat · 11/02/2008 21:44

oven pride! I hadn't cleaned my oven for about 4 years it now looks new!! not sure if you can get in the USA.


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OverRated · 11/02/2008 21:38

Yes, mine is the fume-free stuff and it's great

SofiaAmes · 11/02/2008 06:19

Easy Off in the aerosol spray can (not the other type of sprayer) is the only thing that really works. Get the Fume-free stuff, it really is pretty much fume free. In fact it works just as well as the stuff that isn't fume-free, so I don't really understand why they don't make it all fume-free....

OverRated · 11/02/2008 04:45

I have a blue can of Easy Off that has worked really well. I rarely clean my oven (I don't use it for much other than baking so it doesn't get too mucky inside anyway... excuses, excuses...) but when I do, this works well.

Good luck!

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