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Living overseas

It's been a year already...........

16 replies

sandcastles · 27/06/2007 04:04

..........since we arrived in Australia from the UK to start our new's hard to believe that it has been that long, as it has passed so quickly. This time last year this first 'milestone' seemed liked a life time away. I couldn't see past the first month, let alone a year.

I feel that so far we made the right choice. No regrets......

Here's to many more years....

OP posts:
eidsvold · 30/06/2007 10:23

califrog - my mum is like that - even though she is aussie born and bred - lived in QLD all her life etc... still insists on roast for chrissy dinner. Know growing up we often went to grandparents for huge family dinners and it was always a roast BUT i know my dbs and sils and us would prefer seafood, lovely COLD ham and salads with cold sweets.

sandcastles · 30/06/2007 02:19

Last year it was only 22 & raining! Almost felt like home!

But yes, it was a big family affair...very nice.

OP posts:
Califrog · 29/06/2007 16:43

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sandcastles · 29/06/2007 11:43

Thanks, will watch out for them...would like to have some Aussie things around for dd!

OP posts:
eidsvold · 29/06/2007 11:12

i think I got mine from QBD but i noticed them in Big W around chrissy time.

sandcastles · 29/06/2007 11:04

Oh...the Aussie 12 days & night before....sounds interesting, will have to look into that!

OP posts:
eidsvold · 29/06/2007 10:51

i started last year that we would read the aussie 12 days of christmas leading up to chrissy and then the aussie night before christmas on christmas eve. We always go to carols by candlelight at my mum's church - usually the week before.

When in the UK - dh did the cooking - roasts etc.

Still trying to sort dinner plans here.

We do go to my aunt's christmas eve and the dds get spoilt and we exchange gifts with them then. Lovely spread and great night.

sandcastles · 29/06/2007 10:40

Cali - it's dh's family that is here. All mine are in the UK. This has been ok so far, am missing them, but not too bad. The hardest part is that we won't be able to go back for a few years & none of them will come here. They all hate flying! So it is up to me to visit there, if I want to see them. I think they are mad...they don't know what they are missing.

Eids - New traditions, yes that is what we need. The hardest for me was the weather, to be honest. We never had huge family christmases, so I didn't miss spending the day with was all just so different, but good different!

OP posts:
eidsvold · 29/06/2007 05:53

first christmas in UK was fab - lots of us single homeless ( of sorts) people got together with friends we had made - fabulous. Then next one I had dh and we went to his family BUT so found that one harder. THen when dd1 came along

so sandcastles we started making some traditions for our family in the UK and have carried them on since being here - helped.

Califrog · 29/06/2007 04:59

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sandcastles · 29/06/2007 04:52

Christmas was also hard

OP posts:
sandcastles · 29/06/2007 04:48

Eidsvold, yes, I have missed birthdays etc. Christmas was gard too....good to hear this year may be easier!

Califrog, glad you are happy now. I couldn't imagine anything worse than being unhappy & so far away from family.

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Califrog · 29/06/2007 02:50

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eidsvold · 29/06/2007 02:29

sandcastles - I felt first year was toughest - all the firsts - birthday, christmas etc away from family when I moved to UK

sandcastles · 27/06/2007 04:19

Thank you mamama. The time has flown...too quickly, if I'm honest!

OP posts:
mamama · 27/06/2007 04:13

Wow, Sandcastles. Doesn't time fly?

Congrats on surviving your first year - that's always the hardest. Well done.

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