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Life-limiting illness

Heart failure - can anyone help?

37 replies

jaabaar · 05/04/2013 21:35


My uncle has been admitted to intensive care as he had swollen legs and swollen eyes and breathing difficulties. I am abroad and it is very difficult to get information. I managed to speak to one doctor who said it is serious but there are chances they can manage it. His heart is very weak and his blood pressure sky high.He is 72 has no children and lives with my mum who is older herself.

Does anyone know if there are chances that he will get well and if u can live with heart failure? I'm so worried, just want to hear maybe something positive or if someone has experience with it?

I would be so very gratefull for any reply please please.....


OP posts:
littlejo67 · 26/04/2013 17:22

Any news jaabaar ?

jaabaar · 08/04/2013 20:12

I managed to speak to doctors today. They said his kidneys r small and literally not functioning anymore. Hope is leaving.

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jaabaar · 08/04/2013 10:52


My mum just called me and said my uncle called to tell that he will be transferred to a different hospital (more facilities, main hospital of the county).

He will be transferred tomorrow. She said he sounds better then yesterday, his voice is not good but the breathing better.

Meanwhile they found out that he also has small kidneys, same like my mother! She had this diagnosed 25 years ago it is a defect from birth. Maybe this is a hereditary condition?

Mum said not to call doctor today or tomorrow and only call on Wednesday in the old hospital!

Mum things that he will only go for a ct scan and then back I know that they only transfer serious cases to that hospital. But what does it mean if the doctor gives you the option to move hospital or not?


OP posts:
IamtheZombie · 07/04/2013 00:09

I hope you can sleep well, jaabaar. We'll talk some more tomorrow.

jaabaar · 07/04/2013 00:06

My family members r of the opinion that we might disturb!not the hospital!
The doc I spoke to said we can visit!

I think my family is ignoring the severity. Today doc said his kidneys not working well and also there is chronic lung disease and they haven't finished tests.........

I believe that he will need a lot of aftercare if he will be well enough to come home,,,,

Yes I am in uk my family is in Switzerland.

I will try and lay down a bit. My tummy hurting and headache. Hopefully I manage to sleep a bit.

Thank you for your kindness to a stranger xxx

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IamtheZombie · 06/04/2013 23:53

Sorry, jaabaar, I got the wrong impression. So, you are in the UK and the rest of your family is in your home country. Is that right?

Visiting hours are limited in Intensive Care Units, but not non existent. It's sad that your uncle has to be going through this on his own. Having said that, he sounds just as stubborn as my late DH if he went home to pack before driving himself to the hospital. That stubborness may stand him in good stead.

Some of the medicine he is on will be designed to get rid of the excess fluid that is making his legs and other parts of his body swell up. If they can do that, the strain on his heart will be greatly reduced. He will be sent home with pills to continue to keep the fluid from building up again.

jaabaar · 06/04/2013 23:42

Also we have my other aunty who they took care of who has Alzheimer's she is now in a home as it was becoming 24h care with no support

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jaabaar · 06/04/2013 23:39

They said we cannot disturb and visit in intensive care. They think that they will remove the fluids and he comes home with some pills.... If I talk abt it more my mum changes subject and talks abt my daughter.

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jaabaar · 06/04/2013 23:36

Thank you for your precious time and I hope that the medical situation is sortable. Of course I did not feel ignored. I know I am just repeating myself .... I do so so much appreciate you replying still. It was indeed a good thing as at least he is in doctors hands now and can be helped hopefully.

I had begged him nearly every day to go to gp for a long time... He must have had high blood pressure for a long long time... First thing doc told me is that they can't believe that at his age he never went for check up....

They do not want to inform them because they don't like to bother people and don't like fussing... He refused to go by ambulance and drove home to pack his luggage. I had to argue with my mum ant calling doctor to see how he is. She said we cannot disturb doctors....
I leave in the area of Hertfordshire.

Zombie and downtontrout
Thank you both of you... For having helped me and trying to answer questions which only time can answer. You are both very kind...

OP posts:
IamtheZombie · 06/04/2013 23:20

Where are you, jaabaar? Oh, and please, just call me Zombie. Everyone does.

I think your mum and uncle are being very unfair on you. Why don't they want your cousins who live locally to know? You obviously can't do much from where you are. But, it might mean a lot to your uncle who is in hospital if someone were able to visit him.

I wish I could do more than just give you some huge ((((( HUGS ))))).

jaabaar · 06/04/2013 23:15


Thank you for replying again.

I am the only young ( well in my forties) family member and I have my mum and two uncles I feel strongly responsible for. They have no children. They all grew me up as a family.

I can't eat and sleep. I feel they r alone. Nobody been to hospital and they don't want me to inform my cousins who live locally. It eats me up.

OP posts:
DowntonTrout · 06/04/2013 23:13

I am sorry if I appeared to ignore you today jaabaar I had a minor medical problem to deal with myself.

The doctors would most certainly tell you if it was so critical to be an imminent life or death situation. Your uncle is in the best place possible. Whilst the heart may not be repairable they can certainly take the pressure off it and deal with the other issues to make him at least comfortable.

Maybe in some ways, this will turn out to have been a good thing, as he will now be getting the medicine and treatment that could prolong his life. I do hope so, for all of you.

IamtheZombie · 06/04/2013 22:57

jaabaar, my experience is that doctors are honest. It's not their job to give false hope nor to be overly pessimistic.

I'm sure they will do the necessary tests as quickly as possible (but do be aware that as it's the weekend not much will happen until Monday) and once they have more information they will be able to give you a better idea of what's likely to happen.

I know it's hard to be far away. I live in the UK now, but I'm from America. It's frustrating when something is going on with my uncle and all I can do is sit here and pray.

jaabaar · 06/04/2013 16:34

I spoke to doctor today after talking to my uncle as he sounded much worser. Doctor however said he is better today. He said his kidneys not working well and he probably has chronic lung disease. And they have not made yet all tests..... Doctor said he will be with us a while longer but will have to stay in hospital long time.

Do you think doctors comments are encouraging or just words of hope?

I find it so hard seeing my family members getting all week and ill and im living in another country when all they have is me.

OP posts:
jaabaar · 06/04/2013 11:06

Worker- worser

OP posts:
jaabaar · 06/04/2013 11:05

The more you google the worker everything seems.....

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jaabaar · 06/04/2013 09:31

My mum spoke to him this morning. She said that his breathing is worse then when he was home. Is it encouraging that he is able to talk? Or is that normal that you r able to talk? Thanks....

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jaabaar · 05/04/2013 22:51

Thank you for the hope xx

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jaabaar · 05/04/2013 22:50

Littlefeilefoofoo their old school has rubbed off me regarding talking to doctors... I apologised several times for having called... No chance of yelling!

I told my mum that if I was in hospital I would want visits as it really can help patients feel calmer, specially the ones that never see gp or been hospital in 72 years..... When I spoke to him he was more concerned that he cannot go himself to the bathroom then his predicament....

Thank you littlefeilefoofoo x

OP posts:
IamtheZombie · 05/04/2013 22:42

They were probably more severe than I have described, jaabaar. He was literally hours away from death when he was admitted to hospital.

LittleFeileFooFoo · 05/04/2013 22:40

I wasn't implying that you would yell at them, OP!

LittleFeileFooFoo · 05/04/2013 22:39

Do call the doctor, and also do tell your mother to go visit! Visits make people feel better and that helps recovery too.

the doctor probably won't get mad if you are concerned and asking questions and learning. A lot of times the patients don't really take everything the docs say on board due to stress and just not being well, so the medical folks like to have family members understand what needs to be done so they can relay that to the patient later. they don't take kindly to being yelled at or told off for not having all the answers!


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jaabaar · 05/04/2013 22:36

Sorry downtonTrout for misspelling your name!

OP posts:
DowntonTrout · 05/04/2013 22:35

There is always hope jaabaar

My dad was 82 and not strong enough for further intervention. A younger man, as zombie says, may well be.

What is important is that they stabilise him. If his breathing is already getting better, that is good. Even if he is not a candidate for surgery, he can make a certain amount of recovery and manage this, to an extent, with drugs.

jaabaar · 05/04/2013 22:34


That is an extraordinary story! There is always hope. Thank you for sharing your story. We're his symptoms really as severe as U described?

I know downtown and littlefeilefoofoo are right on the point that it really depends on the person.

I keep praying and hoping.

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