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Landlord won't carry out repairs

35 replies

Dalesgirl16 · 04/01/2018 16:12

Didn't know where to post this! We are renting a house where the landlord won't carry out repairs. We have been there two months and are still waiting for a broken toilet seat to be replaced (since before we moved in); a window to be repaired ( we can't open any in the bedroom as they are both broken but one was broken from before), the letting agent had to come again and fix the third kitchen cabinet that came off as the landlord says it's damage by us, ! The agent says he contacts him about these things but he doesn't answer or get back to him! He is, of course, a multi millionaire apparently! Is there anything we can do? Thanks for any advice!

OP posts:
specialsubject · 10/01/2018 20:13

No. Section 21 notices are not valid with disrepair reported.

Put down the guardian and learn your rights.

No, it isn't that easy to go where you can afford. Changing for the better isn't easy. No one helps you except you, and people you dont scream at.

I'm out.

ivykaty44 · 10/01/2018 20:55

dalesgirl- it’s a regular happening that people complain about private rental to district council - not county council. There is also an officer for HMO multiple occupancy

wowfudge · 10/01/2018 21:14

I'd be looking for a way out, not worrying about being evicted. What does the tenancy state about the landlord's obligations to carry out repairs, etc? If the landlord isn't sticking to his obligations then he's in breach of the agreement. The OP hasn't said anything about affordability in her area, just that she fears eviction because she has a child.

Dalesgirl16 · 11/01/2018 20:48

Thanks everyone for the advice. We own our own home but have moved out for building work to be done. We have probably got another four months til we can go home. We are not going to do all the work we would have liked to have done if this carries on as we just want to get out of here now. The landlord is a v powerful man it seems, v rich. I feel for anyone stuck in a rental with problems long term. I don't dare touch a cupboard now for fear of it coming off in my hand! I called the letting agent boss today who just put the phone down on me when I asked again for help! Horrible!

OP posts:
Ch1neseM3al · 12/01/2018 02:15

I believe that the Landlord can claim some costs back for repairs

I hope that the landlord is paying tax on their rental income

I wonder if the landlord is in the same counutry as your house

Even if not in same country, they should pay for a DIY person to come and fix the things that repairing

Dalesgirl16 · 13/01/2018 20:23

Yes the landlord is local. Great news that a kitchen fitter is coming on Monday to look at why cupboards are falling off. We have however just seen the house for sale online!! He had it to let and for sale and we said take it off the market and thought he had! Lovely letting agency not bothering to tell us! Thank

OP posts:
Dalesgirl16 · 13/01/2018 20:23

Sorry last word 'thank' was a typo!

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wowfudge · 16/01/2018 07:43

Crikey - you need to assert your rights to the quiet enjoyment of the place. Unless you agree, there can be no viewings whilst you are living there. If you haven't done already, change the lock barrels and keep the old ones and the keys to put back when you move out. That should stop these shysters letting themselves in when they feel like it.

AnchorDownDeepBreath · 16/01/2018 07:59

We have however just seen the house for sale online!

Are you on a six month tenancy? I think it's probably a bit naive to expect him to take it down from sale for a short tenancy - I'd expect that it's just passively being sold at the moment, though, until you vacate. It'd be unlikely a new owner would want to take on a house with short term tenants inside it; although possible.

I was always worried about asking for repairs letting too. My landlords weren't too bad most of the time but could be slow to respond and would make "jokes" about how much I'd cost them this year...

I hope the kitchen fitter visit is soon!

Dalesgirl16 · 19/01/2018 11:19

Kitchen fitter came last night! Told us it's all cheap units even though we were told it's a v expensive kitchen (yeah right and 20 years old). Just going to put up with the little things as we are probably leaving in May. It's a year contract with six month break clause and need to give two months notice. So eight months rental minimum really.

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