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Accessing historic childhood abuse records

5 replies

ThatHippyDippyShit · 21/11/2017 19:34

I am looking to access historic records that may be held about me as a child, in regards to being the victim of domestic/sexual abuse at the hands of my parents. I am an adult who remembers being abused as a child and I want to know whether this was ever recognised by the local authority and if steps were taken to protect me. I wish to see any information held about me on local authority records, social services & police etc.

How do I go about this?

Please help me MN, I am so tortured and desperate for answers.

OP posts:
GerrytheBerry · 23/11/2017 09:59

I hope you get your answers op.

Darthvadersmuuuum · 23/11/2017 09:42

Good luck to you Flowers

ThatHippyDippyShit · 22/11/2017 23:33

@Darthvadersmuuuum @FinallyReportedHim2

Thank you Thanks

OP posts:
FinallyReportedHim2 · 21/11/2017 23:02

Contact each organisation separately and do a Subject Access Request under the Data Protection Act. You will probably find the contact details for such requests on their website. If not ring the general contact number and they will point you to the right person/team.

They have to provide you with a copy of anything they may still hold - it helps them if you can give all the details you have from the time eg address you lived at, name at the time if it is different now, etc.
There may be a small charge to pay.

Some records may have been destroyed if it was a long time ago (eg school records are normally only kept until you are 25)

more info here -

Darthvadersmuuuum · 21/11/2017 22:00

I have no real knowledge or advice to offer but I didn't want you to feel unheard. As far as I'm aware you would need to contact your local authority to request access to your records but I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will be along soon.

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