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Legal matters

Military court and a WWYD

3 replies

Ricekrispiesquare · 09/11/2016 21:16


Will try to keep details brief for privacy reasons of all involved but would really appreciate some advice and insights on what you would do in this situation.

Ex and I share a child who is now in the juniors. Ex was arrested and charged with assault again his wife. He pleaded guilty to two counts of assault and has been given some non custodial punishments/restrictions. Ex is military so now needs to attend military court.

My questions are:

  1. does anyone know what punishment, if any, ex may fade from them?

  2. will I, as the mother of his child he has access to without any agreement (he has PR) be officially informed through any form of safe guarding agency such as SS

  3. in these instances would you try to stop/restrict access? Ex was EA and a complete bully towards me (I have written evidence and police reports) so I fully believe the above charges. Whilst our child may be physically safe with him, I believe there is the possibility of EA/manipulation.

  4. if yes to 3) would I have a legal right to do so? And what is the likelihood of a favourable outcome? I would want to stop overnight access.

    Thank you for any advice and if identible please let me know
OP posts:
Setterlover · 10/11/2016 18:32

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Setterlover · 10/11/2016 18:25

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RedHelenB · 10/11/2016 18:20

How old is the child? If all has been fine during contact with his Dad personally I wouldn't necessarily stop it.

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