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Can SW do this?

27 replies

chickedy · 07/09/2016 11:39

Have name changed for this.
I really really won't got into detail over this but basically my child was hurt by another family member. Someone I trusted to protect and look after my child. I had no clue they could do this.
DC no longer has anything to do with this person. Has not seen and will not see again unless when older they decide they want to.
Social workers were involved and now they want me to complete a parenting assessment. This is just adding to the trauma and turmoil I have already been through. They always say how well looked after and loved DC is. How they're developing impeccably well and are thriving. However they still want to put me through this.
I am the victim as well as my child. Someone hurt my child and now I have to have assessments done on me. I've got solicitors involved but I just do not see how this is fair. I've told them I will do anything for my child, I will jump through every hoop they put in front of me etc.
They even said its not necessary but they just have to tick a box and say it's done.
Is there anything I can do?

OP posts:
chickedy · 07/09/2016 19:22

Thought I would do a last update. Went to the solicitor today who read the entire case and is shocked at how were being treated. He said not to agree to any assessments and not to go to any meetings or speak to them without them being present because we really have been bullied. He also knows social worker and his boss and told me he has a passionate dislike for them as they are known to do this to vulnerable people. Thankyou for replying to my OP.

OP posts:
ayeokthen · 07/09/2016 19:29

I've unfortunately had involvement with SW through DSDs, some SW are amazing, absolutely fantastic but some a pure power junkies who know fine they have all the power and are determined to use it. OP, for what it's worth, I've found that just going along with it makes for a smoother ride for the kids involved, rather than fighting them. I know it's not right, but it may be less stressful for you and your child. Just my opinion though, going by my own experiences.

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