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Legal matters

Injunction help.

6 replies

christmasmammy · 01/12/2014 17:51

I left my partner a couple of months ago due to him being volatile and smashing up the house. after I left o received suicide threats from him along with some abusive texts. so I blocked him on Facebook and had to change my phone number. This was after attempts to sort differences and remain friends during which he continued to be foul.
Recently I received a threat through a different Facebook account from him and so involved the police.
They have advised that I take out an injunction against him so that of he continues I have some sort of protection.
I am heavily pregnant and he has caused trouble on and off my whole pregnancy and I'm getting very stressed and upset over it now. Confused

I have no idea at all about matters like this ! Do I just go to a solicitor and ask to take an injunction out? Will I have to attend court and what about costs? Obviously I don't want him anywhere me or my baby but I'm living on state maternity pay so do not have a lot of money.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

OP posts:
Collaborate · 04/12/2014 20:04

A non-molestation order is a type of injunction.

BigPawsBrown · 04/12/2014 12:51

It's not an injunction. it's a non-molestation order (civil) or a restraining order (criminal). Injunction is a totally different ball game.

Collaborate · 03/12/2014 00:14

A warning letter does not always have to be sent. In the case of an emergency the initial injunction order can be made without the Respondent being present. The longer you wait from the most recent to do something about it the less likely you'll be granted one of these emergency orders.

WrappedInABlankie · 02/12/2014 16:00

You will have to get a solicitor to send at least 1 warning letter telling him to stop all contact with you or you'll apply for a non-molestation order. You have to have enough evidence for the legal aid to think you'll be able to get one too

I'm going through the same thing

Collaborate · 01/12/2014 22:01

Posted too early. Look on the Resolution website for a solicitor near you. Sounds like you'll be entitled to legal aid to apply to court for a non-molestation order. If your baby is his you'll need the injunction as it's unlikely you'll be able to have nothing further to do with him.

Collaborate · 01/12/2014 21:58

Look on the Eesolution

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