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Legal matters

Urgent - non compliance with a consent order

10 replies

mowmi · 02/09/2013 14:17


Some of you may remember me, I've been trying to get my (now) ex husband out of the house for some time! We sMay 2012, the divorce came through in June 2013 and despite the judge ordering that he signs the house of to me he remains in there.

He is living like a dirty teenager, has not paid me a penny in rent or for our son since Xmas. Is on long terms sick yet well enough to coach sport and get on with every other aspect of his life except work. He is squatting in my life and I can't get him out!

My son's behaviour (3) is a problem especially when at nursery - i know he's feeding of the stress in the house.
EXH is aggresive and generally doesn't give a shit about my home, leaves doors unlocked when he goes out, I've come downstairs in the morning to realise the doors have been unlocked all night!

Basically I need to get in front of a judge quickly to get the transfer docks signed by the court because he isn't going to do it.

Just called court they said if it's urgent I can go on the daily list if not I'll have to wait until December! Waiting until December is not an option, I will need to consider changing the locks if that is the case.

My question is have I any chance of getting an urgent hearing?

There is so much more to this story, he's spat at me, thrown himself at a wall then called the police on me..... believe me he's a bad man!

Thanks in advance

OP posts:
mowmi · 05/09/2013 12:06

Will do, thanks for you help.

OP posts:
babybarrister · 04/09/2013 21:49

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babybarrister · 04/09/2013 21:48

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mowmi · 02/09/2013 22:57

Thanks babybarrister, the c order wording apparently means he has no right to be here once transferred to me, sorry not got it to hand.
Any idea how long I'll wait? I'll be heading back to the principal registry if that helps?

Thanks again all

OP posts:
babybarrister · 02/09/2013 22:29

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mowmi · 02/09/2013 21:46

I don't think I'm allowed to but I'm close to doing it and hoping I get away with it :(
Any of the legal experts have an opinion on whether I have a cat in bells chance of getting this listed as urgent?


OP posts:
Hegsy · 02/09/2013 15:01

In fact if a judge has ordered him to sign the house over to you then surely changing the locks and chucking him out is within your rights? Could you give CAB a quick call and ask about that?

mowmi · 02/09/2013 14:57

thanks ladies, honestly I could write a book with all the stunts he's pulled! He was a shit husband, now he's deadbeat dad too!
Just want him out, I'm at the end of my rope :(

OP posts:
Hegsy · 02/09/2013 14:52

Wait until he's out then change the locks and leave his stuff outside? If you can't get a court date until December he can't do anything about it.

mumtobealloveragain · 02/09/2013 14:44

I have no advice I'm afraid but you have my sympathy - he sounds awful and you are doing what is right for your son by getting him the hell out. What sort of man / person / human being spits at someone. A true sign of a scumbag if there ever was one! xx

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