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Legal matters


10 replies

monika11 · 23/04/2013 06:44

i urgently need to know what happens if we haven't signed tenancy agreement for the last couple of years.
are the rules on the last one still apply?
thank you.

OP posts:
monika11 · 24/04/2013 08:48

thank you so much for the information you gave AdaShufflebotham :).

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AdaShufflebotham · 23/04/2013 12:52

I agree with SuedeEffectPochette!

Find out about the Deposit and whether it has been put in a scheme. They should have told you this at the start of your tenancy ...

You won't get the deposit back before the end of the tenancy I'm afraid - you need to agree with a Landlord that everything is ok with the property after the tenancy has ended, then the Landlord returns some or hopefully all of it. This should be within 10 days of the end of the tenancy.

Have a look here:

Useful info

monika11 · 23/04/2013 11:54

thanks SuedeEffectPochette for your advices.
i think the deposit is in a scheme, nobody asked me when they put it in.
and they say i can get it after i move out, which is not convenient really, because i need it for the new place.
what can i do?

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SuedeEffectPochette · 23/04/2013 09:41

The landlord has to give you 2 months notice expiring on the last day of a period of the tenancy (the day before you pay the rent, probably). You need to give four weeks notice also expiring on a last day of a period of the tenancy (but most landlords are not THAT fussy and you can agree an end date). Some double payment is probably inevitable but you can try and minimise it. Regarding the deposit, you should get it back. is it in a scheme? Hope not as then you can sue landlord for 1- 3 times the deposit!

monika11 · 23/04/2013 07:21

and i don't want to lose my deposit.

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monika11 · 23/04/2013 07:21

i mean do i give the notice when i find new place?
i don't want to pay 2 places at the same time, what should i do?

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monika11 · 23/04/2013 07:19

AdaShufflebotham, thank you for your post.
yes, it is assured shorthold tenancy, and they get their money 4 weekly.
haven't found new place yet, in fact just started looking.
how long do i have to give notice (bearing in mind i don't know when i will be able to find somewhere new)?

OP posts:
AdaShufflebotham · 23/04/2013 06:57

You need to look at your old tenancy agreement.

If it was an Assured Shorthold Tenancy, you will automatically have a Periodic Tenancy now, with the same general terms as before. BUT How often do you pay rent? Your Periodic Tenancy will have a term (length) based on the frequency of your rent payments - this is important for serving notice.

monika11 · 23/04/2013 06:48

thank you ThePskettiIncident.:)

OP posts:
ThePskettiIncident · 23/04/2013 06:46

Yes. You'll be on the same contract

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