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On Child Tax Credits

5 replies

Denning · 11/10/2012 16:11

and I have just received a council tax rebate as they have rebanded my house down a level.

Will this award (a few thousand) affect my child tax credits. This is the only benefit I get other than a carers allowance and one child had disability living allowance.

Could anyone advise me please?

OP posts:
MrsMiniversCharlady · 12/10/2012 22:15

No, savings (which this would be) do not affect your tax credits entitlement, only the interest on the savings. The £6K rule is for other benefits.

Denning · 11/10/2012 19:57

I think you are right. So I will have a few thousand and can get the Boiler repaired so we have heating for a change. Three pairs of new school shoes, a jumper for one and some school books and bits for the others. A food shop without having to think about what I purchase! It will be like winning the lotto for the poor:)

And then I will be poor again...!

OP posts:
GreatBallsofFluff · 11/10/2012 19:46

Whilst I agree it's not income, isn't there a limit as to how much you can have "in the bank"? I THINK it's around £6,000 but I'm really not sure.

baabaapinksheep · 11/10/2012 16:17

Doubt it as it is not 'income' but a refund on something you had previously paid for.

Denning · 11/10/2012 16:11

I apologise - I also have council tax benefit.

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