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Legal matters

joint ownership of time share but one party now deceased.

2 replies

mckenzie · 01/12/2011 12:32

MIL and her partner jointly owned a couple of time shares. Her partner has now died and I am helping her with the paperwork etc.

One company have requested a copy of the death certificate and a fee of £50 to change two certificates into just her name only.

Another company want over £160 to change the name on just one certificate!

What would happen if that certificate just got left in joint names? Does anyone know please?


OP posts:
mckenzie · 01/12/2011 20:42

thanks SD. I'm getting conflicting answers from the company themselves now and their appointed solicitors.

OP posts:
SoupDragon · 01/12/2011 12:40

I would imagine it would only become an issue if your MIL died before the end of the timeshare.

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