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I know some of you home-educate big families - pls give me encouragement!

2 replies

Psychomumma · 07/04/2009 15:09

I have 4 dc under 6.5: 2 dds, 6.5 and 4.5, and 2 ds, 2yrs and 4 months. Both girls have had a term at nursery a while ago, but I firmly believe in HE, for myriad socio/psychological/educational/moral reasons which would take far too long to detail...

Unfortunately, my personality (levels of patience/noise tolerance/physical strength & energy etc) means I actually find it really hard to remain calm and 'nice' to my children, particularly when I have been up every two hours in the night breast-feeding the 4-month old, and the two-year old is having a full-on hysterical tantrum on the other side of the toilet door, because I have DARED to lock him out for 2 mins...

Whilst - in theory - I would love to spend lots of time playing/reading with my elder DDs, the reality is that almost all the time the toddler is around is spent with him trying to destroy any game they might be playing, or grabbing any toy that anyone else shows any interest in - and then I just shout a lot, and collapse on the couch when he finally has his nap, with no energy left for the girls....

Sorry this is long; I know there are those of you out there who HE larger families than mine, yet somehow remain sane and good-humoured (most of the time...we're all human!) So if anyone has any practical advice/moral support/encouragement, throw it my way!

OP posts:
lljkk · 28/04/2009 12:20

Ask around on HE websites. I know ppl HEing 4-6 dc successfully. U need full support from Ur dh, though.

HEing undr 7s should take very little time of the day, from what I've heard.

mumtoo3 · 08/04/2009 18:28

we HE our 3 who are 6, 3 and 1, dd2 was a nightmare baby, with gluten and dairy allergies (took till she was 14 months to find out!!!) my eldest only does 2 hours 'work' a day, and the 3 year old does half hour. they are all mini lessons of about 5- 15 mins each, the younger ones sometimes join in history geog and science. i found it hard to start with the baby feeding all day but now we are in the flow and it works well.

hth x

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