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my partner wont let me have another child and is threatening to leave!

10 replies

maximoosmummy · 07/05/2012 11:35

i am 22 with a little boy of 2, daddy aged 24 is an only child and does not want another child, there is no getting round him, i understand we are young but would like another one when my boy is 3/4 ish any more and i think the gap will be too big, we are financially stable and can easily afford another one, but hes just not budging he is actually threatening to leave, and he will. although he has said to me that he cant promise he wont have a child with another woman? do i surpress my urge to have another child to stay with him or do i break up my family and let him leave, how do i explain that one to my little boy when hes older?

OP posts:
smokeandglitter · 04/06/2012 13:12

Kick him out.

You don't want the same things. He already mentioned being with someone else, so he can see it ending. He doesn't sound worth being with.

margerykemp · 07/05/2012 12:09

Seriously this sounds like a very unhealthy relationship!

Regardless of the baby issue I dont think you have a relationship worth fighting for. he doesnt love you. Someone who loved you wouldnt make such cruel comments. You deserve better and so does your DS. I cant imagine someone like this being a good daddy.

You are young and have plenty of time to find someone else who will ove you and WANT to have a big family with you.

maximoosmummy · 07/05/2012 12:04

we do have a lovely family and i cant moan about much with anything else which is y im tearing my hair out over this, our first one wasnt planned and i dont think he was really interested in children, after max was born hes always said no more, i guess i just hoped he would change his mind in time.
i think his comment about another woman was is she fell pregnant accidently or perhaps if she didnt have a child? im not to sure? but that would break my heart to see that!
he wouldnt leave me if i fell pregnant accidently so i dont see what the difference is? but i want this to be a joint decision, i dont want to be the sort of person to 'trick him' x

OP posts:
Dollydowser · 07/05/2012 12:04

There is no guarantee that he won't leave even if you only have one child.

shouldIbecrossaboutthis · 07/05/2012 11:54

Just get pregnant with a different man - I'm assuming he would be ok with that on the basis of your post?

AceOfBase · 07/05/2012 11:44

Oh and yy to the other woman comment. Maybe he just doesn't want another child with YOU.

AceOfBase · 07/05/2012 11:42

Why would you have another child with someone that doesn't want it? Either you accept the fact you will have one child with his man or move on if its that important to you. It's a joint decision to have a baby not just yours and if he doesn't want one then you can't force him. Why should he have another child just because you want?

Olympia2012 · 07/05/2012 11:38

Just leave it.... See how the land lies in a few years!!

BombasticAghast · 07/05/2012 11:38

He sounds like a twat on the basis of your post.

Is he always so controlling of you? What a weird comment about having a child with another woman.

Did you talk about how many children you and he wanted before having your son?

Magneto · 07/05/2012 11:37

So you aren't allowed another child but he is happy to have two with different women? Hmm I say leave the bastard!

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