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Low NK cells

7 replies

GreyGoose1980 · 17/06/2021 14:07

Hi all
I recently had an MLI test (along with my ERA biopsy) and it’s shown I have low uterine natural killer cells. Has anyone else had this and been treated for it. I’ve had multiple failed transfers / early losses before these investigations.

OP posts:
ivfgottwins · 17/06/2021 14:29

I thought the lower the level of NK cells the better?

VenusStarr · 17/06/2021 16:10

How low @GreyGoose1980? My first biopsy came back normal but my second came back as 0.71% I need to have another one to see if the low is a true representation or just a fluke. If it is low, I'd be prescribed sitagliptin for 3 months (and not allowed to transfer / ttc). I had mine done at the implantation clinic by professor Brosens.

Interestingly, I am being treated for aggressive nk cells by Dr Shehata and have been on an immune protocol with hydroxychloroquine, intralipids and steroids. My nk cell count is normal.

I've just had my 5th loss following my first ivf cycle and my ivf consultant thinks it is my uterus environment that could be the issue (I had delayed implantation with my ivf cycle ending in a chemical loss).

So I'd check if you need a repeat biopsy or the medication - that is a diabetes drug - Tommy's conducted the research for it. When is your review to discuss the results? X

GreyGoose1980 · 20/06/2021 19:11

Thanks for your reply. Im very sorry to hear about your losses. It’s so hard.

I didn’t actually ask how low my results were when I received the initial results, but have asked for my exact results and the parameters. I have a consultation next week so will discuss my meds there too.

My consultant didn’t recommend waiting so I’m hoping to transfer next month. I have also been advised to have a scratch so have that booked next week. I didn’t actually do much research into NK cells as had the test as part of the ERA. Biopsy and was convinced the ERA would give me some answers but it was normal.

I know NK cell testing is still quite controversial as my last clinic did not believe it could be accurately tested yet. However I’m willing to give treatment a go as all other tests have found nothing wrong. I’m now doing donor embryos since turning 40 so it’s looking less likely to be the embryo.

Are your NK cells now high then if you are being treated with steroids? Was the low result a fluke? Have you had EMMA and ALICE? My clinic doesn’t do those. I’ll check out the Tommy’s research too.

OP posts:
LAURAPAX · 25/02/2024 21:22

Hi @GreyGoose1980 how are you getting on? My biopsy results show low NK cells and i'm really scared about my upcoming transfer not working. Hope things are working out for you xx

GreyGoose1980 · 25/02/2024 21:42

I am good thank you. The transfer after I did implantation testing and was diagnosed with low NK cells I became pregnant with my daughter who is now nearly two. My meds were altered and I had an endometrial scratch for the first time and obviously I’ll never know for certain but I do think these things enabled me to get pregnant. I hope this info helps you feel a bit less anxious about your diagnosis of low NK cells and your next transfer x

OP posts:
LAURAPAX · 25/02/2024 21:48

Hi @GreyGoose1980 thank you so much for getting back to me. I am currently freaking out about the low NK cells results as everything i see either shows negatives / more miscarriages. Lots of success if you have high cells and steroids but not much with low. Actually sitting here getting myself in such a state so thank you for letting me know your outcome - i am delighted for you. Do you remember what your protocol was? I have some PGTA tested embryos waiting to transfer but after two miscarriages from natural conception I am feeling so fearful. xx

Laura1709 · 17/04/2024 22:05


I am so sorry to jump on this thread and after so long.

I just wondered how you got on with your low uNK cell diagnosis?

I have just had results back from biopsy, and told extremely poor levels of NK cells and in a bit of a panic as struggling to find much research at all.

My protocol is prednisone from a positive test. Anxious and very scared to try again after 3 MMC's x

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