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Painful HyCoSy!

48 replies

24Juniper · 19/09/2018 19:44

Finally got my HyCoSy after waiting nearly 5 months for an appointment! I was pretty relaxed about it and read the notes they had given me and it sounded like a simple procedure enough. The speculum and catheter was a bit uncomfortable and gave me crampy feelings but nothing difficult but when they injected the dye, I felt a sudden painful pressure (far more painful than the period pains as described!) and nearly fainted! Annoyingly they had to stop so I never did find out if my tubes were blocked. There was a trainee doctor there and the FS mentioned it's not unusual for patients to go into shock when they have this done! Trust me to be one of those patients! Now I'm having to be referred for a laparoscopy. FS says the pain doesn't necessarily mean blocked tubes but he will flush them out when I have the op, which makes me wonder if they are blocked, as it seems excessive to go for a GA to find out my tubes are fine? Doing some research online, there are mixed messages about whether pain is related to blocked Fallopian tubes or even endometriosis. Just wondered if anyone had similar experiences and got answers at the laparoscopy?

OP posts:
24Juniper · 29/03/2023 22:02

Universxx · 04/12/2022 14:07

Did you fall pregnant after hyscosy even though they had to stop it x

@Universxx Yes I did! I fell pregnant in December three months after the hyscosy. ☺️

OP posts:
LemonTwist10 · 18/03/2023 22:43

@AvocadoEater7 it took me around a day if I can remember correctly. Some people feel pain during, some after, some both, some not at all. It all depends on the person carrying out the test, the individual receiving. Try to rest, take some pain meds and maybe a warm compress and relax. Sometimes stress can make pain worse or even trigger it. However, if the pain gets worse or lasts a lot longer than what is considered “normal”. Make an appointment with tori consultant or GP.

AvocadoEater7 · 18/03/2023 20:55

I had my Hycosy yesterday and I still feel really unwell and sore. How long did it take before you felt better?

Universxx · 04/12/2022 14:07

Did you fall pregnant after hyscosy even though they had to stop it x

Universxx · 24/11/2022 22:42

I took two diazepam and paracetamol the pain is the worst pain ever try take loads

Universxx · 24/11/2022 22:32

I had a Hycosy’s today and it was so painful when they put the blue dye in and I nearly passed out and they had to stop I was sick after and the worst cramps worst than period pains I’m now having to have a laparoscopy has anyone else had these and should I be panicking still

Rh1989 · 23/08/2022 13:10

I wasn't expecting to be signing up to and posting on Mumsnet today, but after having my HyCoSy this morning I wanted to see how others found the procedure!
I'm no stranger to having smear tests and internal ultrasounds being 33, and sadly 2 ectopic pregnancies in the last year. I'm pretty chilled out with hospitals and needles etc and have a high pain threshold generally speaking. I was very relaxed at the start of the procedure and when they inserted the ultrasound metal pole, no pain whatsoever. After spending 5mins taking measurements they then inserted the speculum which was uncomfortable but not painful, as per my past smear experiences. Next came the catheter which was uncomfortable but not painful, until they inflated it..! I was totally not expecting the level of pain and groaned out loud whilst trying to fight the severe cramping. They deflated the catheter as per procedure which took the pain away for a moment, but the same crippling pain occured another two times during the procedure when they released the liquid in the uterus and again in the fallopian tubes. I admit, I wasn't expecting pain this bad and was taken aback! They could see I was visibly uncomfortable but I told them to continue whilst I tried to fight through it with big deep breaths, looked as if I was in labor lol! I was in too much pain to really talk or look at the screen. 🙈. My left tube (I only have one left after my 2nd ectopic) was clear. I did feel very hot and sweaty, thought I was going to be sick and possibly faint but I was ok. The 30mins after was still painful whilst I struggled to walk to the car doubled over in pain from the cramping. I'm writing this 3 hours later and all pain has gone now, but I've decided to call in sick this afternoon for work to rest.
I'm glad I did it and would reluctantly do it again if it's needed, but it definitely wasn't just "period pain" for me! But even if it is painful for some, it's very short lived and know it'll only be for a few mins. Good luck to others: keep calm, remember to breathe, and do take pain relief beforehand 🙂

EmzieMurf1987 · 05/01/2022 09:53

@DoctorBambino I had mine last year and it was more discomfort for me than actual pain. did panic a small bit when they inserted the catheter and I got shaky legs. My consultant stopped and reassured me. I had no problems when they flushed and the whole process was over within 5 or so minutes.

Some of these posts are terrifying though! So glad I had not read this prior to having mine or my anxiety would be through the roof! Some of these experiences sound awful though.

Deffo take painkillers prior to the procedure and make sure u rest afterwards. I had some spotting and mild cramps which were helped with a bottle water bottle and lots of TLC from DH.

iRawra · 05/01/2022 09:24

I'm sorry you went through that. Mine was awful pain too but not quite into shock as you experienced. Having experienced both a laparoscopy and a hycosy I would 100% recommend the laparoscopy as I never would've found out about my Endometriosis without it. They removed mine whilst in to hopefully give us a better chance at IVF. Good luck.

PurpleRayne89 · 04/01/2022 11:53

@Lillyflower1 never heard of that type of cysts before. If you have been advised to not conceive this cycle then I’d listen to the advice. Usually having this procedure potentially makes you more fertile as the tubes have been cleaned out. However, having a cyst might make this different for you. Good luck in your fertility journey!!!

Lillyflower1 · 29/12/2021 17:05

I had my HyCoSy today. Slightly discomfort when the catheter was inserted then extreme discomfort when the dye was inserted and since then I have been in severe pain, much worse than period pain.
The Dr said my tubes were clear so I don't think pain is associated with blocked tubes.
I asked the consultant if I could try to conceive this cycle, she advised me not to but everything I've read online says I can so I'm slightly confused. I heard her say I have a paraovarian cyst (in sure she said it's on the outside of the tubes) to the nurse but she didn't say anything to me. Can anyone shed any light?

Gtcttww86 · 24/03/2021 09:29

Just come across this as I had my Hycosy yesterday and all went REALLY well, no pain (just uncomfortable) at the start right till towards the end when almost all the dye was in.....crippling pain and I was so close to having to ask them to stop but knew it wouldn't last and I just held onto my belly and shut my eyes.

Apparently my tubes were clear :-/

2021babyhope · 26/01/2021 09:57

@DoctorBambino I think for as many people who have bad experiences there's just as many who say it's fine!

And remember you can stop at any time so don't feel forced into it! Take the painkillers, and if you're really concerned tell your practitioner.

Having said that, previous posts are correct in that it appears to be over within minutes!

SMSmith2 · 26/01/2021 01:04

I'm sorry to scare you and I think its better to go in with your eyes open. And take all the necessary drugs to make you as unaware as possible. In saying this, it is very quick and I was able to get pregnant a month later. Not everyone says it is so painful and it definitely seems to make you more fertile

DoctorBambino · 25/01/2021 15:45

Oh god, I've just booked my hyfosy for beginning of Feb and this thread is terrifying! Anyone not had such an awful experience!?

Rdaisyleo · 25/01/2021 12:45

I had the same pain when I had mine aswell. It was as soon as she injected the ink, I had the worst pain inside. Nothing like period pains. I nearly blacked out and was nearly sick from the pain...felt like an idiot, because the comments online were just saying its like a cramp.... she carried on and my tubes weren't blocked, so I wouldn't worry about it being that Smile

2021babyhope · 25/01/2021 12:31

@SMSmith2 if it helps I think you're asleep during egg retrieval 🙂 from what I gathered at my clinic anyway.

Totally don't understand why HSG is done awake. Mine was horrendous and I need to have a laparoscopy done now anyway.

SMSmith2 · 25/01/2021 08:08

Sorry that your experience was so terrifying. I had an experience just as horrific and now am utterly terrified of the egg retrieval in ivf. Can anyone compare the hycosy to egg retrieval? That they are allowed to perform a hycosy to people who are awake if beyond my comprehension

Chicasimona · 29/06/2020 18:53

Hi ladies, just to share my experience. I had a Hsg test but the technician and the gynecologist couldn't put the tube through because my cervix was too narrow/tight. The doctor scared me that I had anatomical issues and I need a laparoscopy to check my tubes. Following this I went privately to have a Hycosy test done and it was quick and pain free.
About 3 years later I went for another Hycosy test, again the technician couldn't put the catheter through so the Dr helped out. It was much longer and more painful.
So I think it depends who is doing the test. Make sure you take pain killers before the procedure.

ChicaXS · 29/06/2020 17:09

I nearly passed out and vomited straight after in the toilets and I had the worst pain I ever experienced. My threshold isn’t extremely high but it’s not low either. I had a blocked left tube. Doctor kept pushing to unblock and it would budge. I find the whole process aggressive and violent IMO. Women shouldn’t endure that pain and need to be under sleepy anaesthetic at the very least if not general. They wanted to do a laparoscopy afterwards which thankfully is under GA. I would never do a HSG again awake.

Dejura · 29/06/2020 00:27

I'm glad my experience could help ease your mind a bit hun. Like @Dandelion3 said everyone seems to experience it differently. I have my fingers and toes crossed that it isn't too painful for you and is over quickly. Good luck lovely xx

Missgoldilocks · 28/06/2020 23:34

@dejura thank you!! I just got so scared reading all these comments but you've made me feel better! Phew, I'll be taking Co codamol before hand though lol


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Irisol · 14/03/2020 09:20

I just did one yesterday for the first time and felt exactly what your described. It started with a big cramp but then the pain was so vivid and made me so uncomfortable it’s hard to describe. I definitely thought I was going to pass out and tried to focus on something else unsuccessfully. I started to breathe in a different way and almost thought I was going to get sick ‘from both sides’ pardon me. The doctor was very considerate and we had to stop and then we started again and I felt it again towards the end. Since then I have been feeling a bit light headed and weird and it makes me feel sick just to think about it again but no major blood, pain or discharge otherwise so far. The doctor was kind and commented everything throughout and all is well. My tubes were not blocked and the cavity is normal. So it being painful is definitely not a sign of problem .one last thing : my mum asked me they put my hips higher than my shoulders and it was not the case I was laying flat... not sure if this is a could help with the pain

Dandelion3 · 24/06/2019 15:47

I think everyone experiences this procedure differently and some people luckily barely feel a thing! For me it was like really intense period pain when the dye was pumped in, but the procedure was extremely quick so whilst the pain was very severe it only lasted a couple of minutes for me. My tubes were fine. So I don't think the pain automatically means something is wrong.

Dejura · 24/06/2019 14:11

Hi guys, I just wanted to share my experience as I read all of these comments before I had my Hycosy procedure today.
The tube going up was a bit uncomfortable, the balloon opening gave me a sharp period like cramping but it only lasted a few seconds because the balloon doesn't stay open, as soon as the balloon went down the pain stopped. Then the dye being inserted felt again like sharp period pain but it only lasted for a few seconds then the pain settled. Overall this wasn't what I would call a painful procedure. Just a couple of sharp twinges. My tubes were all normal though so I'm not sure if the pain some women have could be linked to scaring. I have normal period-like cramps now which is just a dull ache and I was a bit Shakey right after, but I think that's because I had got so freaked out that it would be an unbarable pain. But it was fine in the end. I had an abdominal CVS a few years ago, now that was pain. Anyway, this was just my experience. Good luck to whoever has this coming up, you can do it. Xx

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