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3 replies

user1497036202 · 29/06/2017 10:18

Hi all I just wanted to see if anyone was in the same boat.

I am 35 and OH and I have been ttc for the last two years. OH has extremely low morphology counts so we have had one round of ICSI in which we got a bfp but miscarried at 11 weeks and the next FET failed. We don't have any Frosties left.

I feel like we are at a crossroads. We funded the ICSI ourselves as the NHS waiting list was huge and they wanted us to be trying for longer but we didn't feel time was on our side. We have now run out of money so are at a crossroads. We have a consultation with the NHS fertility consultant on the 20th July to understand if we could have treatment with the NHS and what timescales would look like.

We have also been to an adoption open day to understand our options there as well as we realise the most important thing to us is that we have a family

In all honesty the treatment had taken its toll and we just don't know if we want to do it again - emotionally we found the FET very hard.

Anyone out there in a similar position and struggling to decide next steps? X

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user1497036202 · 04/07/2017 17:28

Thanks - unfortunately my AMH levels are low so egg sharing isn't an option as we only got 5 in our last cycle with two frozen.

In terms of going abroad I just don't think this is right for us but I will do more research.

We are taking all supplements to help sorry morphology and has been paying off according to the docs which is great!

Will be a hard decision but will see what NHS say in a few weeks x

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Veinarde · 04/07/2017 17:08

It is a difficult choice, have you considered doing egg sharing? Lister runs a program where an egg sharer get a round for free.

There are also overseas clinics where IVF costs no more than 3-4k including flights, check Reprofit.

Did you clinic gave you an idea of why your cycles failed? Maybe there is a chance of improving egg/ sperm quality before trying something else.
Check this for example

Sorry I am not in a similar position but personally before we started the IVF process I made a decision to pursue several rounds of treatment before giving up. But of course the money concern is there but as I mentioned there are some options, like overseas and egg sharing that could drive costs down.

What does your DH think?

user1497036202 · 04/07/2017 16:33


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