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One Embryo or Two

31 replies

Lolly2803 · 27/09/2016 11:05

Hey ladies,
Preparing for FET - had a freeze all IVF cycle in July due to fluid in uterus and lining not thickening enough for transfer. Thinking optimistically ahead to transfer and wondering whether to put 1 or 2 embryos back. It's such a hard decision just wondered what any of you ladies had done and how you made the decision. I would love twins so not worried about having 2 it's more the risks that I'm considering. Thanks ladies xxx

OP posts:
bananafish81 · 27/09/2016 22:04

There's a big difference between putting back two day 3 embryos and two blasts

The twinning rate (and pregnancy rate) of two day 3 embryos is much less than the risk of twins with 2 blasts

Due to my pre existing medical conditions my Dr said twins were to be avoided at all costs. Therefore double blast transfer was off the table. However we agreed we would definitely put back two cleaved embryos

Think it's an important distinction to make.

Beedoo123 · 28/09/2016 07:49

Lolly - I think she was keen for us to try 2 as my previous failed cycle my hormone levels had been a bit weird, and they weren't sure why. We had 2 excellent day 5 blasts and I'm sure she thought that was our best chance to get pregnant given that my hormones might not play along in an further cycles!
I was lucky to go full term, no complications so it worked out perfectly for us, but I realise this doesn't always happen.
Sounds like things have moved along loads in the last few years though and there's lots of good advice on here Smile
Good luck whatever you decide!!

Lolly2803 · 28/09/2016 08:07

Thank you everyone - some great advice.

I have hormone issues too we think. That's why every month mid cycle I get fluid for a few days and uterus struggles to thicken. Had a hysteroscopy last week and everything was fine, nothing to do in there! Hoping we can figure this out in an FET!

OP posts:
bananafish81 · 28/09/2016 21:15

For me that's another reason not to put two back.

If there is any doubt about the uterine environment, then to put two embryos back into questionable soil could be 'wasting' an additional embryo

I'm sure your consultant wouldn't let you transfer if they didn't think there was a good chance of success

But as someone with lining issues we decided it would be madness to put back two

At the other end of the spectrum, I also sadly know far too many sad outcomes with twin pregnancies

One was an IVF lady who had two embryos put back - one split into identical twins and she was pregnant with triplets. Sadly by 12 weeks one had died and it was twins. Then sadly at the 20 week scan both had died and she had to deliver her stillborn daughters

Another RL friend had natural twins. Sadly she went into hospital pregnant with two babies but only left with one, as her son died very shortly after birth

I know several parents of twins (mostly IVF) who all spent the first weeks in the NICU, unable to take their babies home for several weeks. They are healthy kids now but the early months were very difficult physically and emotionally

Twins really aren't a buy one get one free special, as tempting as it is when we're going through IVF to think if it as a two for one bonanza

LHReturns · 28/09/2016 22:06

Banana, while there is no doubt that your sentiment is correct - I hope you don't mind me pointing out that the vast majority of multiple pregnancies result in healthy babies.

Many women transfer two embryos for lots of good reasons. Indeed twin pregnancies are indeed riskier than singletons, but I also don't think many (reasonably intelligent) people approach the possibility as a buy one get one free option. I certainly haven't. My consultant and I spent an hour pouring over stats and risks before deciding I would transfer two blasts if we got them.

While there are sad stories about twin pregnancies, I also know many sad stories about singleton pregnancies. I hope you don't mind, I just don't want this thread to scare anyone who is making a different, but equally valid, decision for their own reasons.

bananafish81 · 01/10/2016 23:47

I agree entirely with LH that the plural of anecdotes is not data and personal stories are not very helpful

The HFEA website does have much more useful data to help couples make up their mind about single or double embryo transfer, with lots of helpful information to help understand the risks overall and the likelihood of multiple births at different age groups

We found this the most helpful source of unbiased info.

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