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Not conceiving after RCM

4 replies

Levy123 · 19/06/2016 09:40

Hi all, I'm fairly new to mumsnet. Hoping to see if anyone else is having a similar experience to me? Last year I experienced 3 early miscarriages (all under 9 weeks) and was referred to the RMC clinic for tests, whilst waiting for appointment they told us to have a break from trying to conceive. Results all came back negative but consultant suggested trying progesterone as wouldn't do any harm. Started trying again in Dec last year and had a chemical pregnancy in early Jan. Since then have been using progesterone every month as prescribed and have not conceived since. I know this is still in the realm of normal but last year I conceived each month we tried, so it is unusual for me (3 miscarriages in 8 months). We have a meeting with the consultant again in August, but wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar?

OP posts:
Levy123 · 29/06/2016 08:45

Thank you for your message, that is really helpful. Hubby and I have decided to stop using progesterone on day 21, but I was considering continuing if I get a BFP, so that's interesting to know. I'll speak to the consultant. Thank you again xx

OP posts:
Tryingno1 · 28/06/2016 22:00

Hi levy

I'm sorry about ur mcs :(

I understand that Coventry (rm clinic) uses progesterone post ovulation to try make ur lining more selective. So u don't accept chromosomally abnormal embryos But for some ladies it makes it too selective and u can't get preg. If u go into the rm thread on mumsnet there's a few ladies who that has happened to. And they have been puzzled too! They finally had success by taking progesterone after a bfp. It should be on the rm thread trying again on the miscarriage part of mumsnet that's v quiet now so u will have to read through older threads

I don't have exp personally but have seen it mentioned a few times when I used to lurk there

Best of luck xxx

Levy123 · 19/06/2016 21:58

Thank you x

OP posts:
ffon · 19/06/2016 21:07

Bumping for you.

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