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BMI for Clomid Northern Ireland

4 replies

vsa82 · 23/06/2014 15:09

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone knew what the max BMI limit is for Clomid in NI?
It has been some time since I was at the gyne clinic or even asked my GP but I am back on Thursday so will ask then but I'm just dying to know!

The last time I asked I think it was 35 but I was so far off with a BMI over 50 that it seems years away. I was in a very uphappy relationship and everything was just a big mess. I'm at 35.1 now, new partner and extremely happy.

Many Thanks in advance xx

OP posts:
DennyDifferent · 15/07/2014 19:49

congratulations on the weight loss!

crazycatlady82 · 14/07/2014 21:19
crazycatlady82 · 14/07/2014 20:53

Hi there,

I was googling the nice guidelines which I think are used in NI and they had said a BMI of 19-30.

However, this may well vary from area to area.

Good luck with everything.


camillebbmvalez12345 · 24/06/2014 18:59

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