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Bourn hall clinic Cambridge or Cambridge IVF?

4 replies

sarah00001 · 27/04/2014 16:51

Hi, I'm trying to decide whether to have IVF at the Bourn Hall or Cambridge IVF in Trumpington. Has anyone had experiences at either of these clinics that you could share? I'm self-funded so can only afford two cycles at the most.



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camillebbmvalez12345 · 24/06/2014 19:03

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MrsF09 · 18/06/2014 23:08

I am at bourn, had EC today. Im really happy with them. At first I thought it wasnt very personalised, but as you progress it is. I would also echo Bracken2406 that they are really easy to contact and give a very quick response to emails.

Bracken2406 · 18/06/2014 20:10

I'm currently under treatment at Bourn Hall. I know nothing about Trumpington, but am pleased so far with my treatment at Bourn Hall. The consultant was happy to take our ethical concerns into consideration and the nurses co-ordinating the day to day treatment are easy to contact. The care seems very personalised, but I have nothing to compare it with. Hope that helps.

Verkey81 · 04/06/2014 15:27

I haven't but someone I know used Bourne Hall and speaks very highly of it - I'm considering there as well so would be interested in other people's advice as well :)

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