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Our Infertility Support forum is a space to connect with others in the same position, discuss causes, treatment and IVF, and share infertility stories of hope and success.


HSG tomorrow

6 replies

Birdie80 · 21/03/2013 20:36

Eek, I'm scared! Can anyone share nice stories about how it was much nicer/ less painful than they expected?! Grin

OP posts:
Birdie80 · 24/03/2013 21:39

I'm sure it'll be fine Flixy - by far the worst part was the anticipation. Good luck Smile

OP posts:
Flixy102 · 23/03/2013 17:38

Thanks for the positive stories!! I'm having mine on Monday and have been scaring myself silly over it!

Birdie80 · 23/03/2013 14:38

Me too....hopefully other people Googling will find this thread and not the horror stories! Results next week.

OP posts:
Happilymarried155 · 22/03/2013 22:07

Glad it was ok, I made the mistake of reading terrible things beforehand and was dreading it! Was pleasantly suprised! Did you get your results today? Enjoy your donuts! :)

Birdie80 · 22/03/2013 18:15

It was absolutely fine, after all that worrying, no pain at all, I didn't even feel the dye go in. The anticipation is far worse than the event itself! I am milking it by making DH bring me tea and donuts in bed though Grin

OP posts:
Happilymarried155 · 21/03/2013 21:26

It wasn't painful at all! Take an ibuprofen an hour beforehand. It was a slight uncomfortable feeling but not painful!

Good luck, let us know how you get on :)

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