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Levels of immigration in London mean it is "no longer a British city".

74 replies

TanyaBranning · 23/10/2009 13:35

Quote from Griffin in complaint to the BBC about the 'lynch mob' he feels he faced on QT last night.

Beggars belief.

OP posts:
monkeysmama · 27/10/2009 16:36

Thanks Ange8. I have been really shocked by some of the comments on MN since last Thursday. I don't usually share my political views but couldn't hold back on this.

ange8 · 27/10/2009 16:05

Excellent post, Monkeysmama.

TwoIfByScream · 27/10/2009 15:34

Griffin is right, it isn't British, was London not founded by the Romans - Londinium? There you go. What did the Romans ever do for us?

Remember, you are not a true Brit unless you are picking out bits of glacier from the ice age from your hair - according to Griffin anyway. Come to think of it, griffins originate from Asia. Oh er.

ObsidianBlackbirdMcNight · 27/10/2009 07:08

London is 65% white. Of course plenty of the non-white people are British and plenty of the white people aren't. So I don't know what NG's point is. London is still majority white and majority British, but the minorities also make it British, Britain is built on immigration, so immigrants are quintessentially British (NG's head explodes with the paradox)

sarah293 · 25/10/2009 08:13

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monkeysmama · 25/10/2009 08:05

SpookySkattyKatty as someone who has been to Auschwitz with a Holocaust survivor four times taking educational visits I can assure you I take neither the Holocaust nor the term Nazi lightly.

The strategy of presenting the BNP as a moderate party is exactly that - a strategy. I quote Nick Griffin "Instead of presenting the party as a revolutionary alternative to the system, we must present them [the electorate] with an image of moderate reasonableness... Of course we must teach the truth to the hardcore. But when it comes to influencing the public, forget about racial differences, genetics, Zionism, historical revisionism and so on.?

?There?s a difference between selling out your ideas and selling your ideas. The British National Party is not about selling out its ideas ? which are your ideas too ? but we are determined now to sell them. And that means, basically, to use the saleable words: freedom, security, identity, democracy.?
Speech to the American Friends of the BNP, alongside KKK leader David Duke (who we of course know after Thursday is "non violent")

Nick Griffin has been a Nazi for his entire adult life. He read Hitler?s ?Mein Kampf? aged 13, attended National Front meetings as a teenager and set up a National Front student group while studying at Cambridge University. After the National Front splintered in the early 1980s, Griffin got involved with a variety of Nazi outfits until ending up at the BNP in the mid 1990s.
During this period he strongly resisted any attempts to dilute the Nazi message and gained a reputation as a hardliner focused on Holocaust denial propaganda. He wrote a pamphlet called ?Who Are The Mindbenders?? alleging Jewish control of the mass media. In 1998 Griffin was charged and convicted with incitement to racial hatred for publishing The Rune, an antisemitic Holocaust denying magazine.

Let me give you some quotes from the horses' vile mouthes.

?The electors of Millwall [backed] what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan ?Defend Rights for Whites? with well directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate?.NG

?Meanwhile, the indigenous side in the low-to-medium level civil war brewing in this country is getting its training? It?s all going to get very messy.?
Nick Griffin?s blog on BNP website

?Honestly now, would you prefer your kid growing up in Oldham and Burnley or 1930s Germany? It would be better for your child to grow up there.?
Mark Collett, leader of the Young BNP on Channel 4 in 2004

?Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal? [It] is like suggesting forcefeeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence.?
Then BNP London organiser and GLA candidate, Nick Eriksen

AIDS is ?a friendly disease because blacks, drug users and gays have it.?
Mark Collett, Leader of BNP Youth

"The TV footage of dozens of gay demonstrators flaunting their perversions in front of the world?s journalists showed just why so many ordinary people find these creatures so repulsive.?
Griffin wrote these words after the April 1999 bombing of the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho that killed three people. The bomb was the third planted by David Copeland, a former BNP security steward. Copeland said his aim was to start
a ?race war? so that white people would go out and vote BNP.

This is not just a racist party. The BNP is a Nazi party who are attempting to hide their true face. I for one, in the memory of the millions murdered in the Holocaust you refer to, will out them as such at every possible opportunity.

DemonBradleySlaysPippi · 24/10/2009 21:57

Btw I surely would be saved by NG for my whiteness, nordic colours and british passport. And yet there's not a drop of British blood (whatever that is) in me.

I second the poster who proposed to collect money to have NG take a DNA test to check his 'britishness'.

I have lived in London for 14 years and I never, not once, felt foreigner or less worth. It took two weeks in a Barkshire village, where a man in waitrose commented badly on me speaking italian with dd, to make me feel a 'bloody unwanted forriner'!

Thank god for London.

If the Britain he wants is the one in Southmead ...

SpookyScattyKatty · 24/10/2009 21:55

Monkey I'm sorry but I really don't agree with Nazi name calling.

Yes many of his policies are total madness but Nazi comments are going too far. Hitler wished to MURDER millions of people not just deport them and by comparing NG to Hitler I feel you are really doing all Hitler's victims a diservice.

DemonBradleySlaysPippi · 24/10/2009 21:48

I heart London!

monkeysmama · 24/10/2009 21:41

I am very pleased Nazi Griffin thinks London's a no go place for him. He's quite right . I proudly protested against him on Thursday night & plan to do so as many times he & his band of racist thugs in suits go somewhere I can get to as possible.

monkeysmama · 24/10/2009 21:38

I am very pleased Nazi Griffin thinks London's a no go place for him. He's quite right . I proudly protested against him on Thursday night & plan to do so as many times he & his band of racist thugs in suits go somewhere I can get to as possible.

Starbear · 24/10/2009 21:03

MillyR, I wouldn't be so rude or obnoxious but I can see where certain people get fed-up with foreigners complaining about England.

MillyR · 24/10/2009 18:53

Starbear, yes, you telling people they should f off back where they came from does make you a bigot.

Iklboo · 24/10/2009 18:23

Had a thought last night...

Let's say NG has a road accident on the way home and needs emergency treatment. Would he refuse to be cut out of his car by a black firefighter? Turn down treatment from an Asian doctor? Demand his blood transfusion be DNA checked to ascertain the ethnicity of the donor?

Starbear · 24/10/2009 18:16

TheShriekingHarpy Now that's the debate. What can we now do about it? How can we reduce the world population? How can we reduce world poverty? How can we spread the wealth so immigrants don't have to leave their country? How can we improve third world democracy so that people have to run here for safety. NOw that would be worth watching but I suppose boring & not very sexy.

TheShriekingHarpy · 24/10/2009 13:09

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TheShriekingHarpy · 24/10/2009 12:57

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Starbear · 24/10/2009 11:42

I see Riven yes you are right Very high % of Londoners are British. BNP they are the National Front under a new name. They just hate people of colour and that is the beginning and end of it really.
Imagine if they repatriated all the Americans, South Africans & Aussies of English heritage back to the UK. The island will sink without climate change He chooses to forget white Northern Europeans (descendants) not the Jews per se that control the wealth of the world. They are also the group that dominate USA politics with or without Obama. It not wrong or right it just is! Why I say it not wrong or right because it such a complex issue that you couldn't unravel the good acts from the bad of these individual human beings.
If I'm going to be repatriated can I go to my mum's country (Spain) and take from an English person their house & pool pls. No, I thought not.

sarah293 · 24/10/2009 09:26

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scrappydappydoo · 24/10/2009 08:43

'But for some reason, when the BNP starts talking about getting rid of 'immigrants' I always get the impression that they are talking about dark-skinned people with foreign-sounding names, not the lilly-whites from West Markham.'

I agree marenmj - funny you never hear them mention the americans, aussies and south africans which make up a large proportion of migrants AND surely if they're going to kick 'non-british' people perhaps they should demand that all 'british' expats return home to keep the country going once it falls apart

Kevlarhead · 23/10/2009 23:33

Nick Griffin: "Why not come down and do it in Thurrock, do it in Stoke, do it in Burnley?"


"Why not come down and do it somewhere one of my local cadre of skinheads will kick shit out of any liberal nonce who asks a loaded question?"

marenmj · 23/10/2009 22:34

'Fwiw, my own children might fail the BNP white enough test.'

This is what I find so ironic though. DH and I watched the QT program. We, and our daughter, would absolutely be considered "white enough" for the BNP because you can't get much whiter than us. But we aren't British and the one of us who might arguably be considered descended from British settlers has about 400 years' distance between him and his British ancestry.

We are, in fact, economic migrants in London on work permits. We ARE the people that these BNP members are railing against (immigrants who work and take up resources blah blah). They don't care that we are 40% tax payers. They don't care that we pay NI and will never claim a pension here. They don't care that a condition of our visas is that we can never claim public benefit. They certainly don't care that our rent goes into the pockets of a British family and our grocery budget goes to British stores and our childcare goes to a British nursery.

But for some reason, when the BNP starts talking about getting rid of 'immigrants' I always get the impression that they are talking about dark-skinned people with foreign-sounding names, not the lilly-whites from West Markham.

And that is why I think Mr Griffin is full of shit.

AbricotsSecs · 23/10/2009 21:55

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wahwah · 23/10/2009 21:41

Please don't for a nanosecond think that I think their views are in any way acceptable. Fwiw, my own children might fail the BNP white enough test.

johnhemming · 23/10/2009 21:30

wahwah at least I can agree with your first sentance. I am not sure, however, that I can ever accept that the BNP can be acceptable given their views on mixed race children.

(yes I do have a personal view on this).

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