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10 tricky children's questions

9 replies

lowrib · 15/08/2009 01:53

Your answers to 10 tricky children's questions on BBC website.

A nice article (featuring no rip offs from MN!)

"What is time?" and "Why do I like pink?" are two good ones.

OP posts:
NoGoodNicknamesLeft · 18/08/2009 20:13

Why do people walk on two legs and dogs and cats and cows need four?

Because people have thumbs. Before people looked like people, they walked on four legs. Then one day they realised they had thumbs and were able to grab tools [look, you can grab a pencil and hold it properly with your fingers and thumb, but the closest any other animal comes to holding a pencil is like the way you can hold it with your toes!]. Now that humans could use tools, they needed to keep their hands free so they stopped walking on their arms and just used their legs.

msrisotto · 18/08/2009 19:44
  1. Because they're made of green things
  2. Because animals aren't as clever as us. That's why we have clothes/houses/stand on 2 legs.
  3. It's like a photo. They aren't in the t.v., someone took a moving photo of them and put it there.
  4. Because it's dark and shiny??
DidEinsteinsMum · 18/08/2009 19:29

Leaves are green because they contain chlorophyll which is a pigment that absorbs all the light spectrum except the green and harnesses the light in an energy conversion reaction that results in "food" for the plant.

I think the reflections in puddles occur due to the surface tension of the puddle and the angle of refraction of the light that bounches off the surface.

dilemma456 · 16/08/2009 22:41

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PixieOnaLeaf · 15/08/2009 19:06

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kathyis6incheshigh · 15/08/2009 05:03

Oh and the two dads one.... in my dd's case one of her friends has two mums because his dad decided he felt happier as a mum. This makes perfect sense to dd who thinks girls are better than boys anyway.

kathyis6incheshigh · 15/08/2009 04:59

These are fab!
Not sure about the dodgy 'scientific' answer to the why girls like pink one though.... er, traditionally IN OUR CULTURE girls like pink.
Also they missed out the most important contemporary one, 'Why has Kerry on CBeebies only got one arm?'

cherryblossoms · 15/08/2009 02:04

I liked that!

Thanks for posting it.

DidEinsteinsMum · 15/08/2009 02:02

interestingly enough my ds has not come out with any of those. He is however the king of difficult questions.

Anyone got the anwers to the later of these two:
Mummy are black holes gravity
No darling they have gravity but they are not gravity.
Whats the difference?

Threw me too. Thank goodness for grandads

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