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This issue about prostate cancer being a bigger killer than breast cancer

106 replies

StealthPolarBear · 02/02/2018 17:36

It's a breast cancer success story, right?
I know prostate cancer is a huge issue but why has this good news story been hijacked and reported as a huge problem?

OP posts:
lovemylover · 20/02/2018 21:58

dahliaaa thank you, its just a matter of fingers x now, it has taken months to even find it, his lymph node was mentioned, but he cant remember what was said about it, just will have to wait and see
We have only known each other about 18 months and were having a happy life together,even though we dont live together

hackmum · 24/02/2018 19:02

This really shouldn't be seen in terms of a male/female opposition.

Treatment of breast cancer has been so successful because it is easier to find a way of treating it. Surgery can remove the cancer entirely and if you then zap the breast with radiotherapy and chemotherapy there's a very good chance of recovery. You also have a screening programme that makes it easier to find the cancer at an earlier stage.

Lots of other cancers have a much worse prognosis, for various reasons. Ovarian, lung and pancreatic cancer, for example, all have a poor prognosis because symptoms don't become obvious till they're far advanced. And then you can't just surgically remove a lung or the pancreas in the way you can remove a breast.

Brain tumours can be very hard to treat for obvious reasons.

You can have screening for prostate cancer, but it's problematic because a lot of prostate cancers are so slow growing that you end up treating people needlessly - there's a saying that many people die "with" prostate cancer rather than "of it".

And, yes, relatively speaking, prostate cancer is a disease of old age. You hear of women in their 30s or 40s developing cancer reasonably often, but rarely hear of a man developing prostate cancer at that age.

With all these things, decisions have to be made about the best approach. About 90% of lung cancers are caused by smoking. Is it better to spend money on stopping people from smoking, or on finding ways to treat lung cancer?

4Funnels · 27/02/2018 04:04

Where's the hijacking?

Oh, I get it! You're a patriarchal-conspiracy theorist waiting for replies like "no one cares about us poor women" etc.

stopfuckingshoutingatme · 06/03/2018 16:54

"Jesus christ. Must everything become a women’s issue?"

I agree, this topic its really distasteful. I have done fuck all personally to support BC, the charity I support supports all cancers.

gussyfinknottle · 06/03/2018 16:59

My Dad died of prostate cancer. 20 years ago. Breaks my bloody heart to hear that anyone has it.

lovemylover · 06/03/2018 17:34

My partner has just been diagnosed with it, and its no fun, also having to have hormone treatment and radiotherapy, losing the testosterone , and suffering the same as women with hot flushes, depression etc, loss of libido,
Most men can live with it but not always
Why shouldnt they get as much publicity as women with breast cancer, the more spoken about it the better

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