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NHS cut backs

27 replies

drinkswineoutofamug · 28/03/2017 11:59

I've read on various news sites today that the NHS is proposing to make cut back on what GPS prescribe. Pain killers , gluten free food , indigestion remedies and sun cream.
They also want NHS staff to ask for I suppose would be the Eu/world version of the E11 card or whatever it is. Some trusts already ask for proof of ID, passports and bills.
To me , an NHS front line staff worker I think it's a good idea, if it saves money and the money is then spent in the correct way not on managers and other useless ideas , believe me there are many!
Pain killers can be bought cheaply on the high street and to get gluten free food on prescription , do you actually ask for 2 loaves of bread and pizza based and biscuits each week?
My only issue is would this effect the low income and house bound? Interested in other opinions

OP posts:
Badders123 · 01/04/2017 18:54

Doesnt apply to my dm either - she gets 100 paracetamol at a time
She is coeliac too and simply doesn't eat gluten...she says the prescription stiff is vile and supermarket gf foods too expensive
I've said it before and I'll say it again..people do not value what they do not pay for

dreamingofsun · 01/04/2017 21:06

nameless - £3 for a loaf of bread - a normal loaf is say 1.50 and would last a person a week - so you are saying that bread for a coeliac is 1.50 a week more than a normal persons,or £6 a month? that doesn't sound unmanageable?

the hip/knee operations being delayed does sound a bit more iffy to me. obviously depends how long they are delaying them for. if you have paid high taxation for 45 years, it seems not unreasonable to have an operation that allows you to walk. surely that sort of operation is why you pay into the NHS

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