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rollercoaster crash at alton towers

297 replies
OP posts:
sallyismyname · 28/06/2015 08:54

Horrific that another leg has been lost, thinking of the family and wishing a speedy recovery.

HelenaDove · 11/06/2015 21:58

Ive asked for my post with the link to be deleted.

MiaowTheCat · 11/06/2015 17:50

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MiaowTheCat · 11/06/2015 17:47

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HelenaDove · 11/06/2015 14:36

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HairyMcMary · 09/06/2015 12:08

I should imagine that many, if not most, of the 16 people in the crashed carriage will have some form of injury and / or trauma. Whiplash, bruising, being stuck for 4 hours at a 45 degree angle and witness to people with more serious injuries, a day off work to recover (at the least), I shouldn't think they were in a fit state to drive home themselves so probably others (besides the one who went back into hospital) had to take taxis and retrieve their cars at a later date.

pettywitchinlondon · 09/06/2015 10:20

Of course they accept full responsibility they can't really say anything else.

pettywitchinlondon · 09/06/2015 10:18

Comparing to tc is silly, they are very different circumstances and very different businesses. Did tc even own / run the hotel?

CattyCatCat · 09/06/2015 10:00

Fair play to AT. It's the least they can do but it's good that they are behaving decently and trying to make things as straightforward and swift as possible for the victims. Have to respect them for that.

passmethewineplease · 08/06/2015 22:53

I wonder when the investigation findings will be released to the public. I'm glad they are taking responsibility though unlike TC did.

ApplesinmyPocket · 08/06/2015 22:31

Merlin's statement today about letters they have written to the victims:

"Irrespective of the outcome of the current investigations into the causes of the accident, in these letters we have accepted full responsibility to those who had been injured in the accident and confirmed that we will ensure that compensation will be provided to them," the theme park said.
"We have recommended each of the injured guests or their families instruct a lawyer and submit a claim for compensation which we will ensure is dealt with swiftly and sensitively."


CattyCatCat · 08/06/2015 18:29

I'm by no means a medic that should say.

CattyCatCat · 08/06/2015 18:28

I'm by means a medic but as far as I know internal bleeding might not be noticed immediately. I was once checked out for it a few hours after a car crash (I had gone home too). Thankfully I was fine.

HelenaDove · 08/06/2015 18:23

I saw something on twitter where people who have prem babies in special care units are having to use food banks.

In this case parents/carers/relatives are having time off work and possibly getting behind with mortgage/rent payments. How will it help the injured young people coming out of hospital if they risk losing their homes.

Honestly the person who started that thread must be as thick as mince.

Very sorry to hear about Leahs condition and that a fifth person is more seriously ill Thanks

AyeAmarok · 08/06/2015 18:04

She definitely will Black

blackheartsgirl · 08/06/2015 18:03

Yes I wonder if this fifth person will receive care and compensation from Alton Towers. How on earth was she fit to go home in a taxi afterwards or does internal bleeding not show up until afterwards in some cases. she must have been in some pain.

so, now that's five people seriously or critically injured, not just four. I hope they all get better as best they can Thanks

CattyCatCat · 08/06/2015 17:47

No need for anyone else to go looking to report it, MN have removed it.

CattyCatCat · 08/06/2015 17:33

There's a horrible thread in chat started by an OP who is 'judging' anyone already thinking about litigation or compensation. I've reported it.

HairyMcMary · 08/06/2015 17:22

Well, quite.

Honestly, if something like this happened to my child I can well imagine I might say, in fury and upset "and we'll be suing them to kingdom come", or a reporter might ask a question about claims and someone might say, as an indication of the level of injury sustained "the claim will be substantial" etc.

It is very expensive having a loved one in hospital - people travel a long way to AT, the hospitals were a way apart - accommodation / food / travel / loss of earnings - the impact can be enormous and mission critical and immediate to many families.

Psipssina · 08/06/2015 17:17

and it says a lot about their calibre that no-one has spoken to the press.

I don't know how you can speculate about that. It could be that they have been told not to speak to the press and don't want to lose their jobs. It could be all sorts of things.

CattyCatCat · 08/06/2015 17:11

You can only feel utter sympathy for the victims. Anyone judging how they and their loved ones proceed now, in devastating circumstances, is really out of order.

CattyCatCat · 08/06/2015 17:08

X post but agree totally with wat you are saying. It is absolutely understandable for any of the relatives of the injured to seek immediate legal help. As expanded up thread, you might need immediate financial assistance and advice on how to deal with any contact made by AT.

PHANTOMnamechanger · 08/06/2015 17:08

I'm finding all the happy smiling AT customers being photographed/ interviewd today, a bit, well bad taste? disprespectful? It feels like rubber necking. Getting their 15 minutes of fame in the face of other people's tragedy.

CattyCatCat · 08/06/2015 17:06

Just read the article in today's mail and there is mention of a woman who was in the second row who initially returned home by taxi but than had to go to hospital where she had stomach surgery for internal bleeding and is now being treated for a damaged liver and blood clots. So that looks like a fifth poor person with significant injuries.

HairyMcMary · 08/06/2015 17:05

I don't know why people are so hung up on the inevitable insurance / personal injury claims etc.

It is perfectly obvious that this is the kind of event that will (rightly) result in claims which reflect the impact of the injuries and other effects.

There is a 5th woman who was taken into hospital after arriving home after the accident who has now had surgery for abdominal injuries, many of the victims will have had minor injuries and longer term effects.

This is why businesses have insurance, why there is a claims system and thank goodness for it.

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