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Is Nicholas Witchall a real arse licker or what?

24 replies

ssd · 14/04/2014 18:31

its the reverential tone of voice he uses when discussing the royals


OP posts:
Merguez · 24/04/2014 21:19

Creepy weirdo. And I can't bear the smarmy sycophantic way he reports on that royal baby. As if it is different from any other 9 month old baby.

Who cares if it's about to walk?

NationMcKinley · 23/04/2014 15:35

Both my parents worked for the BBC years ago and his nickname as Aphra said was definitely 'the poisoned carrot'. He has always had a reputation for being a total arse

Preciousbane · 23/04/2014 15:25

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bamboostalks · 21/04/2014 22:35

He's got the job until he retires that's for sure. I think he loathes it and them.

FunkyBoldRibena · 21/04/2014 22:34

Didn't he used to be a serious broadcaster?
Odious little man.

snoggle · 21/04/2014 22:31

Ah yes, the air of hushed reverence, sounds totally ridiculous when commenting on such vacuous content

KnittingRocks · 21/04/2014 22:20

Yes, he used to read the breakfast news.

Sparklingbrook · 21/04/2014 22:20

He seems really smarmy and I bet the Royals all hate him. Anybody would be better than him.

Wasn't he a newsreader?

KnittingRocks · 21/04/2014 22:19

I think he must have done something very very bad in his previous role to be given the job of following the royals round the world watching them twat about and pretending to be remotely interested in the whole sorry shower of them.

I suppose they deserve each other Grin!

specialsubject · 21/04/2014 22:16

I get the impression he really, really hates the job. Even a free trip to OZ is only making it slightly less nauseating for him.

didn't he do serious news at some stage?

susiedaisy · 18/04/2014 18:56

I know that's what I thought

Animation · 18/04/2014 07:55

Why is he royal correspondent then if Charles and the Queen don't like him??

susiedaisy · 18/04/2014 07:34

I also dislike him. Don't know why but I just do.

ExcuseTypos · 14/04/2014 19:12

Oh he always annoys me.

I do think he looks ill though. Or is he just old?

TheDuchessOfSalford · 14/04/2014 19:08

That's what I was thinking of! I do have some sympathy with him though, reporters really do ask the most inane, ridiculous questions.

Hassled · 14/04/2014 19:00
- 45 seconds in.
weatherall · 14/04/2014 18:58

Afaicr it was Charles who said that.

AphraBane · 14/04/2014 18:57

I seem to remember that his nickname at the Beeb is/was 'poisoned carrot'.

PansBigChainring · 14/04/2014 18:56

When the news studio was invaded by purple-spraying feminist types a few years ago he tried to pretend nothing was happening and kicked one of them under the table whilst continuing to read the news.
This doesn't make him a twat in itself. Just a man swiftly able ot work in 'denial' which isn't a good trait. Sure it's on u-tube somewhere.

TheDuchessOfSalford · 14/04/2014 18:50

Wasn't the Queen overheard describing him as a 'despicable little man' or similar a few years ago, possibly around the Charles/Di divorce?

I have to agree with her. He's so obsequious.

roundtoit · 14/04/2014 18:50

cannot stand the sychophantic twit

PansBigChainring · 14/04/2014 18:46

One of the creepiest people on television in the modern era.


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SauvignonBlanche · 14/04/2014 18:36

He's awful, isn't he?

BikeRunSki · 14/04/2014 18:35

Surely that's part of his job as royal corespondent?

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