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Occupy London

41 replies

rebelgran · 11/10/2011 21:28

This movement takes place on the 15th Oct at the Stock Exchange. People should watch News on Russian channel as it is covering the Wall st Occupy movement so this will be informative, also Kaiser Report excellent. Our News must be censored as we only got coverage of the demo on Westminster Bridge. I think we are about to see big changes globally- see Obama's facebook page and also check out the Occupy FB page too. It would be good to support the movement as this is Democracy in action. We all want a peaceful protest so don't miss this opportunity. There are many different groups & individuals protesting at bankers greed, bad goverence, democracy now etc.
Hope you make the effort to come.

OP posts:
aliceliddell · 19/10/2011 17:36

P'raps we'll come back to that, then

CogitoErgoSometimes · 19/10/2011 13:03

Oh yes, we don't want any nasty communists cluttering up the place with their red flags. Nicely democratic workers are always welcome, however.

aliceliddell · 19/10/2011 13:00

Cogito - it was a reference to the original 'Social Democrats', later Communists

CogitoErgoSometimes · 18/10/2011 20:09

I'm as democratic a worker as the next woman... Wink

aliceliddell · 18/10/2011 18:21

Bet you'd feel the love if it was calling for a democratic worker's party. No? You don't say...Grin

CogitoErgoSometimes · 18/10/2011 18:04

But... back to the point... does the occupation protest (in the UK at least) strike anyone else as being a little vague? I can certainly see echoes of old sixties campaigns like the US civil rights movement, Anti-Vietnam marches, 'Summer of Love' etc. But when they ask the current protesters what they are unhappy about, everyone seems to have a different gripe. I just wonder how successful a movement can really be if it doesn't have a particular objective beyond a broad-brush expression of discontent ...

CogitoErgoSometimes · 18/10/2011 17:58

(Is it only me that still uses the phrase 'couldn't get arrested' for meaning 'deeply unpopular'?.... Confused )

kelly2000 · 18/10/2011 16:17

How is sitting in a tent in central London doing something, it just seems to be a way of sitting on your arse whilst feeling good about yourself for doing nothing. I would have more respect if they marched down the country, but I suspect they cannot be bothered to actually make much effort. And I wonder if the food that is being donated to the protest is being passed on to the homeless or those in poverty or if it is just being scoffed by the middle class protestors.

And I find the phrase "educate the masses" patronizing, especially considering this appears to be a mainly white middle class movement. The idea of people telling those who disagree with them that they have these opinions because they lack education is not democracy in action. It is patronization in action.

Hatwoman · 18/10/2011 16:05

"That's why Labour couldn't get arrested until 1997" great typo!

rebelgran · 16/10/2011 23:42

Very successful occupation. Hope people go along to find out about the movement themselves.

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Solopower · 15/10/2011 20:07

Isn't that a bit catty, small white cat?

smallwhitecat · 15/10/2011 17:32

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rebelgran · 14/10/2011 23:55

The stock exchange is symbolic of the immoral behaviour of the banks, coporate greed and rampant capitalism. This movement is to unite those who are suffering and to demand better democracy as the goverment is not representing the people - we have to represent ourselves. The AV referendum was a waste of money, the referendum on Europe wasn't held and less than 40% voted in England, they had to rely on the higher turnout in Scotland, N Ireland and Wales to make it valid. We have a European dictatorship thats a gravy train,protecting itself. The banks and trans national companies are still awarding themseles big salaries/bonas and the banks have got away with passing the debt onto ordinary people. Politicians are crapping themselves as they are also guilty of the mess the country is in. Represent yourself,come to the occupation and listen to debates/ideas as this country needs all the help it can get.

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glasnost · 14/10/2011 08:25
HeadlessLamAAARRRGHHHH · 14/10/2011 07:32

The video in this link explains quantitative easing and how it devalues yer actual money in words even those like me can understand.

CogitoErgoSometimes · 14/10/2011 07:12

Yes, it dropped after the credit crunch in 2008 hasn't changed much since against either the dollar or the Euro. A lower rate makes imports more expensive but exports more attractive... useful when you're trying to create business growth and new jobs at home. That's why some think Greece should leave the Euro.

smallwhitecat · 13/10/2011 21:56

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rebelgran · 13/10/2011 19:44

Thanks, other currencies too are in trouble so this may explain some things. However according to the info on This is money web page the pound has dropped since 2008 and Gov wishes it to stay low as it boosts exports, good for business.

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CogitoErgoSometimes · 13/10/2011 16:04

'Quantitative Easing'... putting more money into the system can result in increased inflation but that's not the same as devaluing a currency. If you check sterling against other major currencies over the last 5 years, it's fairly level.

rebelgran · 13/10/2011 15:20

Yes both are guilty, but I'm not sure if extremes of both approaches have been allowed as the people in the middle were propping up both the people at the top and the bottom.Of course the gov has a duty to try and get companies to invest here to limit damage done. It would be interesting to see the small print. Does printing more money not devaluate?

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CogitoErgoSometimes · 13/10/2011 14:51

Hang on a minute. The 70's were the epitome of 'Greedy Socialism'... massive wage-claims forced through by strikes and failing, out of date, industries propped up with public cash that had to be borrowed for the purpose. Finally collapsing late seventies with the Winter of Discontent mega inflation, IMF bailouts and leaving the UK in the kind of state Greece is now. That's why Labour couldn't get arrested until 1997. The current government is trying to attract companies to return and invest - like the BP announcement today - and keep the economy in reasonable shape until markets like the US and the Eurozone get back on its feet. The £ has not been devalued.


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rebelgran · 13/10/2011 12:06

Debate is needed, I'm not advocating Communism but our social democracy only worked from 1945 - 60's, after that the 70's saw rt wing ideology with the merits of the markets over gov and globilization = Greedy Capitalism. At present were watching the demise of the Euro as Europe is imploding. HM Gov has devalued the £ and out of interest does anyone know where all the money has gone. My guess is that is being deliberately removed and money people are buying gold as the £ in pocket will devalue more. The Gov is buying time so Greece's default is less damaging to themselves and big companies. These trans national companies have no national loyality they follow the fast money and the country left bankrupt. We need to act now to limit further damage/ corruption.

OP posts:
CogitoErgoSometimes · 13/10/2011 08:22

'Capitalism RIP'... so you'd prefer all property to be in public ownership and we just work for and rely entirely upon the state for our well-being? Like communist China or the Soviet Union used to operate? Would you like to give up everything you own to HM Gov and trust them to look after it on your behalf? There are too many simplistic knee-jerk reactions swishing around at the moment like 'capitalism RIP' that haven't been thought through. Beware of swapping one form of brainwashing for another. If you like cliched quotes look up 'Four legs good. Two legs bad.'

ChickenLickn · 13/10/2011 01:15

Ah yes, do something constructive, like volunteer to polish david camerons shoes.

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