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80mph Motorways

85 replies

CogitoErgoSometimes · 30/09/2011 07:40

Brilliant. Although it would be a fairly minor adjustment, I'll be very pleased if, after the consultation, UK motorway maximum speed is brought in line with the standard 130kph that applies all over continental Europe.

OP posts:
Riveninabingle · 03/10/2011 20:25

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octopusinabox · 03/10/2011 20:07

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Ryoko · 03/10/2011 17:25

Thumbs up for being a CB fan.
"Talking out of his hat which he wears up his arse" Charlie Brooker adore.

Anyway it's a stupid idea to get the votes of the stupid, so people like to speed so raise the speed limit, steller idea, whats next? people like binge drinking so raise the recommended daily unit amount?.

This kind of thing is worthy of Boris Johnson himself, still it could be a covert plan to cut the population, after a few years of increased speed on the roads the only drivers left alive will be those in procession of HGV licenses.

ZephirineDrouhin · 03/10/2011 16:20

All you speedy petrol guzzlers will love Charlie Brooker's excellent comments today.

(I particularly liked his description of Philip Hammond's justification for the increase as "carved out of solid horseshit")

Byeckerslike · 03/10/2011 15:11

Eggyallenpoe.... What you said!

EggyAllenPoe · 03/10/2011 14:15

when i car commuted, i used to be one of many cars doing 100 in the outer lane. then i got tired of throwing away my wage-check in fuel, and did 80 instead, which was also more comfortable.

people on this thread ignoring what causes accidents: poor road design, drunk driving, poor vehicle maintenance, sudden braking - a disproportionately high number of accidents involve motorbikes - and certain A roads too - motorways - even with people doing 100 on them - are the safest roads - even on motorways most accidents happen in the slow lane - not with the fastest traffic.

when i got points on my licence - my premium went up £20 - that shows how dangerous insurance companies think speeding is (ie, they don't think it really increases the chance of an accident, otherwise they'd have doubled my premium)

having a speed limit that makes people brake to 70 every time they go under a bridge (you see this alot on the M25) can actually cause accidents. having a speed limit that means queues form behind police cars ...because everyone normally does 80 - is a bit of a daft situation.

consciousness of the possibility of killing someone is a good reason to stick to thirty in local areas (or 20 at some times of day/ school drop off places) where most fatal accidents occur - and for the government to consider the matter using the actual evidence, not just sticking with the status quo because the populace thinks it makes them safer.

so, i look forwards to seeing the result of the consultation.

Pissfarterleech · 03/10/2011 13:56

Gosh yes, what utter cunts Hmm

SinisterBuggyMonth · 03/10/2011 13:56

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Riveninabingle · 02/10/2011 16:25

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hootiemcboob · 02/10/2011 16:06

Actually speed limits in most states are now 70 mph and above - 75 or 80 in the Plains states. Seat belts must be worn everywhere though.

Riveninabingle · 02/10/2011 12:29

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CogitoErgoSometimes · 02/10/2011 10:50

You shouldn't be nervous of bad drivers either. Watch out for them, obviously, but don't feel rattled into making a dangerous manoeuvre.

On the US statistics... isn't the speed limit there something like 50mph? And don't they refuse to allow seat-belt laws? Any minor increase in speed is going to result in more deaths if drivers and passengers are rattling around in cars like peas in a bottle.

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Riveninabingle · 02/10/2011 10:31

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Matto · 02/10/2011 08:51

The Department of Transport itself has said "There is convincing evidence from the USA that where some freeway speed limits have been raised and vehicle speeds increased there have been more casualties."
The best estimates I have found ? in a report by the Transport Select Committee in 2002 are that ?Casualties, including deaths and serious injuries, on the motorways might be expected to increase by 5 to 10%?. Based on 2010 Department of Transport figures this equates to, for a 10% increase, 147 additional deaths and serious injuries per year.

KatharineClifton · 01/10/2011 23:33

And what Blu said!

KatharineClifton · 01/10/2011 23:32

'If you are nervous of motorway conditions that include lorries you really shouldn't be on them.'

That's not how life works though love.

JustRedbin · 01/10/2011 21:43

Poor analogy Missing* - increasing the speed limit is equivalent to widening the neck in the egg timer, not pouring more sand in.

Missingfriendsandsad · 01/10/2011 21:33

This is a dumb idea that is designed as a quick 'Cameron is alright' to the Jeremy Clarksons. Raising speed limits to 80mph or more is fine if the road network is all motorway and no junctions, or if it was only outside peak traffic times because all this would mean is that all the junctions that are overloaded now and not letting cars through would just fill up faster with more traffic, and block the traffic flow even more. Think about it like an egg timer, if you keep pouring sand into the egg timer, it doesn't matter how fast you pour the sand in, it won't go through faster, but if you pour sand in faster than its going through, all you will do is make more sand stationery for longer.

Riveninabingle · 01/10/2011 21:26

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Blu · 01/10/2011 21:18

Lorries cause tremendous bunch-ups on motorways, chiefly by overtaking each other on long slow hills so that it takes about 5 miles for one lorry to overtake another.

They even do it on the stretches of the M11 where there are trials banning lorries from the middle lane on uphill stretches.

But the truth is that it isn;t any of these drivers who are reponsible for accidents - middle laners, 60mph drivers, slow lorries etc, it is drivers who get frustrated with this and think it is their right and need to drive fast even if all this is going on - the driver who actually makes the manouvre which causes the crash. If the traffic in front is low, it's YOU who is to blame if you try and dodge thorugh or tailgate or pull out and cause someone else to brake , etc.

Pedallleur · 01/10/2011 21:06

There is no 'slow lane'. There are 3 x lanes with the outside lane designated as the overtaking lane.

Raising the speed limit raises other issues. Fuel consumption goes up therefore Govt. revenue/petrol sales rise. Braking distance increases dramatically - at 70mph, braking distance is given at 96m or roughly

Pissfarterleech · 01/10/2011 19:32

If you are nervous of motorway conditions that include lorries you really shouldn't be on them.


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KatharineClifton · 01/10/2011 18:47

Ok then Piss. I was suggesting reasons, not offering up excuses. But y'know, you don't have to read the actual words, you can just make stuff up :)

Pissfarterleech · 01/10/2011 17:53

In which case, katherine, they should stick to A and B roads or learn to go faster.

There is no excuse whatsoever for hogging the middle lane at 60 or 70 MPH. It's downright bloody dangerous!

ChippingIn · 01/10/2011 17:26

Ragged - you didn't answer the question though. Do you drive?

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